The Purr Pages

Little Lindsey

Lindsey's first night home
Lindsey's First Night-8 Weeks Old

The evening of 11/12/02 we took a stray kitten found at the motel my father works
at out to the local SPCA animal shelter. After we got the little kitten dropped off with some blankets, food and a catnip mouse, we noticed that a little fluffy stray kitten had followed us from across the parking lot. It was exactly one month from when Bernie entered our life, so it must have been fate that this little kitty chose us! All 3 of the after-hours pens were full. We pondered a moment, then decided to take it home.
In the dark of the parking lot, the kitten looked like a long-haired Siamese-which I love!
When we got back out on the busy streets with lights, I could see that the kitten had blue eyes. That won me over completely! We drove over to Petsmart to pick up some kitten necessities for overnight. When we got into the store, we saw that the kitten is medium-haired like Bernie; and is a cream color spotted tabby, with grey ears and tail, and white on its face, feet, chest and tummy. So pretty! A Petsmart employee estimated the kitten to be a little boy. We got the kitten home & settled in the master bathroom. We decided to name him "Lindsey", after
Lindsey Buckingham of Fleetwood Mac!
Unfortunately, Bernie's vet was closed the next day but we got Lindsey in to see another
nearby vet to be tested for FeLV (feline leukemia virus). That would be the deciding factor if we could keep him or not, since we could't risk exposing Bernie to the disease. Bernie's vet tested him for FeLV while we were in the office, but this vet said it takes 24 hours for results; so Lindsey was boarded there overnight. The vet also confirmed he's a little male. I called the next morning for the results, they said he was FeLV negative so could come home anytime! So, Lindsey came home to his little bathroom abode. Bernie had an ear infection, so we didn't want to start introducing them until Bernie saw his vet on Saturday.
Both Bernie & Lindsey went to the vet on 11/16/02. Bernie needs medication for his ear, so we'll have to wait a couple weeks before we start introducing them to each other. Both Bernie's doctor and his vet tech fell in love with Lindsey when we got him out of his carrying box! They said he is a blue-point Siamese mix, about 8 weeks old, and very healthy. The vet was so happy we got another kitty, he & his wife have 30 of their own! So, Lindsey got his first kitten shots and goes back for booster shots on 12/07/02. Then we'll be waiting for time to have him neutered.

We've appointed Lindsey's birthday as 09/18/02. One month before Bernie's birthday.

11/18/02-I decided to see how Lindsey likes a pole/wand toy today. He loves it!
I thought he might play with it 20-30 minutes, but he ended up going for 45 minutes
before finally flaming out. I can definately tell he has Siamese in him, he's quite vocal!
He does not have the husky Siamese voice though. Bernie in comparison is very quiet!
Bernie usually just goes "mmmm" (sort of a closed-mouth meow), which has become
quite an endearing trait to me. Bernie also has a quiet purr, usually have to put my ear to him
or feel him to know if he's purring. Lindsey has a loud purr that can be heard across the room!
So far Bernie is just curious, in the evening he sniffs & lays by the door of the bedroom
where Lindsey is. During the day Bernie pays no attention, just goes about his
feline household duties.

Lindsey @ 9 weeks
Lindsey @ 9 Weeks

11/29/02-I exchanged towels with each kitty's scent on it to begin their introduction.
Bernie sniffed Lindsey's towel a couple times, laid on it once but didn't seem too interested.
Lindsey played with Bernie's towel for a while, but he does that with all towels! I found a few informative websites on how to gradually introduce a new feline to an existing kitty.
I'm using a bit from each site...

Dumb Friends League
PAWS: People Helping Animals
Kitten Rescue Online

12/02/02-Bernie & Lindsey "met" from behind a door. Lindsey poked his paws under
the door; Bernie sniffed a bit, touched them once, but watched A LOT! Bernie was a bit tense,
but wasn't aggressive. So I think step #2 went pretty well. Since Bernie was apprehensive
I think I'll do this step again before proceding.

12/06 Bernie initiated his own game of footsie under the door with Lindsey! He also
did this a couple times over the following weekend. So, the evening of 12/11 I decided to move
on to the next step, meeting face-to-face. I put Lindsey in his crate, and took him in the master bedroom with Bernie following behind us. I was prepared for hissing and growling on Bernie's part. But he mainly just seemed curious. Bernie sniffed Lindsey's crate, they touched noses, and played footsie through the crate door. Bernie showed no aggression, I was so pleased with their first meeting! I'll do this same type of meeting again before moving on to a one-on-one meeting.

I'll add to this page with updates on Lindsey, and lots more photos to come in the following weeks too!

See more photos of Lindsey @ Webshots!

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