Springers are active dogs, like humans though, activity levels vary with each individual.
Our Kodi & Kyle had each other to expend their energy with during the day while we were gone to school
and work. When Elton joined our family 13 years later, it seemed as if he had boundless energy. I'm not sure if
it was because he was field-bred; because he was an "only child"; or if it was just because it'd been 13 years
since we'd had a wee pup.
As we found out, favorite types of toys will also vary. Kyle & Kodi liked vinyl squeak toys,
and for an occasional treat, rawhide chips and bones. Elton was a little chewing machine:) He destroyed
vinyl squeak toys in a matter of minutes! When Kodi & Kyle were pups, a neighbor convinced us to buy
them Nylabones. Our Boys wanted nothing to do with them, so our neighbor's dogs got 2 more. We decided
to try a nylon Hartz bone for Elton, and he sure loved those things! Great, we'd found something that lasted
more than half an hour. I bought Elton a chocolate flavored Nylabone for his first birthday, he still preferred
the Hartz though. Later, I also bought him a Galileo Bone and a Plaque Attacker, both made by Nylabone
for "determined" chewers. Elton nibbled on the Galileo a few times, but he thought the Plaque Attacker
was another Kong (due to the shape), and kept dropping it on our feet*ouch*.
So, just experiment and you'll find out what kind of toys your Springer prefers. It helps to just
leave out a couple favorites, and rotate the other toys. That way the toys seem "new" and your Springer
shouldn't become as tired of the same things all time. Remember.... a bored Springer can be a destructive Springer; but a tired Springer is a good Springer!
According to our experiences with our 3 Springers,
below is a list of puppy (& adult) items you will need for your new Springer....
(Our 3 boys were 7-8 weeks of age, so started out with cat collars). |
Even stay-at-home pets need manners, so basic obedience is a must. Please be sure to find a trainer who
utilizes "positive reinforcement" training methods! Springers have gentle dispositions and do not respond well to harsh training methods. Harsh, negative training can result in a fearful or even aggressive dog. Group obedience classes also provide much-needed socialization for your pup. An obedience class should be an excellent bonding experience for a Springer of any age! Springers typically love to please their people and enjoy obedience training. Most contemporary puppy & basic obedience classes require:
Lots of love & patience.
A flat nylon/leather buckle collar.
A 6 foot nylon/leather lead
(doggy people term for a leash).Small, soft treats for rewards.
A 20 foot cotton lead (some classes).
Verification of current vaccinations.
A word of caution.... If you use a chain training collar it should only be on your dog during a training session. Choke chains do pose a choking hazard, and can cause permanent damage to a dog's trachea. A nylon collar is much safer for everyday & training use. If you decide to go on to an advanced obedience class, the goal of advanced class is to perform obedience commands off-leash. You may also need what Elton's instructor called a "tabby" (no, not as in tabby cat*g*).... They're short leads similar to a traffic lead but even shorter yet. Elton's was leather, and very heavy. Other students had bought nylon web "tabbies" that were much lighter. Upon request, Elton's instructor would teach students in advanced classes hand signals for the various obedience commands. It was fun, and since some Springers (our Kodi did) lose their hearing as seniors, practical as well as preparing for competitive obedience (if interested). Elton loved advanced obedience classes. Kodi & Kyle only went through basic obedience class, but remembered their commands to the end:)
May 2003, I accomplished something I've wanted to do since childhood...
I became a certified dog trainer. My training website is:
Training Supply Sources
Schafer Nylon Leads
Related Links Dog-Play Dogpatch Obedience Page Pet Groomers Board Dog Perfect |
It's not unusual for Springers to have sensitive skin. All 3 of our boys' chests broke out if metal contacted their skin. Watch out for metal buckles on collars and metal I.D. & rabies tags! I found, for Elton, that a flat, nylon adjustable collar with a plastic buckle worked well. He also had a plastic I.D. tag, but his rabies tag was still metal and caused problems.
We crate trained Elton and I think it's a good idea when done properly. Crate training is helpful especially if a pup is alone part of the time while owners are working or at school. We bought Elton an "intermediate" size crate, it had a Springer on the tag! Unless your Springer is an adult, part of the crate may need to be blocked off so a pup won't use part to relieve itself, thus defeating the purpose of crate training. For in-depth crate training tips, please visit:
WudaFace-Crate Training Page
Paevalley-Crate Training Page
Thinking About Breeding Your Wonderful Dog?
***Reminder to simply love your Springer for who he or she is***
Being purebred or "having papers" doesn't mean a Springer is of breeding quality.
If a Springer is sold as a pet, he or she is not meant to be bred.
Please have your pets spayed or neutered. Responsible breeders will ensure
there are quality Springers to be bred.
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