DISCLAIMER: Please bear in mind that research on all of these families is still underway and that not all lineages are by any means complete, or possibly not even completely correct! These pages are meant only to be a guide to direct your research and are NOT TO BE TAKEN AS FULLY DOCUMENTED FAMILY HISTORIES!!!!! In fact, many of the histories contained on these pages contain conflicting information from various sources. I have attempted to alert fellow researchers of these conflicts in information where possible by including information about tentative links and providing alternate “Facts” in the section following each person. Not all of the research in these pages was done my myself. I have attempted to document any sources of information as best possible, but please bear in mind that I have not been able to document each individual piece of information. Also, please bear in mind that many sources themselves may be incorrect, illegible or may have been misinterpreted by individual researchers. Please conduct your own research to verify any pertinent information and to ensure the information you use in your family history is as accurate as possible. |