Moran/Morin Family Page

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Resource Listings


This page is under construction!!  I plan to provide not only credits to the many people who have contributed to my research, but also a listing of materials from which you can find information for your own research.

Here is a beginning list of resources....I will be attempting to link from individual pages to the source on this page in order for you to find the source of any particular piece of information, however, this may prove too time consuming and may not be completed....

Many thanks to Chuck Guidry for providing me with many of these resources!


Archdiocese of Baton Rouge; “Sacremental Records of the Roman Catholic Church of the Archdiocese of Baton Rouge,”  Volumes 1-14
Vol  1, 1707-1769, Acadian and Point Coupee records
Vol  2, 1770-1803
Vol  3, 1804-1819
Vol  4, 1820-1829
Vol  5, 1830-1839
Vol  6, 1840-1847
Vol  7, 1848-1852
Vol  8, 1853-1857
Vol  9, 1858-1862
Vol 10, 1863-1867
Vol 11, 1868-1870
Vol 12, 1871-1873
Vol 13, 1874-1876
Vol 14, 1877-1879
Vol 15, 1879-?
Vol 16, ?

Archdiocese of New Orleans; "Sacramental Records of the Roman Catholic Church
of the Archdiocese of New Orleans", Vol 1 - 9
Vol 1, 1718-1750
Vol 2,  1751-1771
Vol 3, 1772-1783; New Orleans 19
Vol 4, 1784-1790; New Orleans 19
Vol 5,  1791-1795
Vol 6,  1796-1799
Vol 7, 1800-1803; New Orleans 1992
Vol 8, 1804-1806; New Orleans 1993
Vol 9, 1807-1809; New Orleans 1994
Vol 10, 1810-?
Vol 11,
Vol 12, ?-1817

ARSENAULT, Bona; "History of the Acadians 1600-1803"; 1978.

AYCOCK, Albert L.; "Louisiana Decendants of Simon AYCOCK (1783-1981)"; 1981.

BLUME, Helmut; "The German Coast During the Colonial Era, 1722-1803"; 1956,
(translation 1990 by Ellen C. MERRILL)

BODIN, Msgr George A.; "Selected Acadian and Louisiana Church Records"; 1968.

"Selected Acadian and Louisiana Church Records"; Vol 2; 1970.

BOUDREAUX, Wilma BOUDREAUX and MORRISON, Phoebe CHAUVIN compilers; "Census

1 June 1900, Terrebonne Parish, Louisiana"; 1989.

BOUDREAUX, Wilma BOUDREAUX and HENRY, Sandra CLARK compilers;
"Descendants of Jean Rodrigue and Anne LeRoy of Portugal-Canada-U.S.A.

BOURGEOIS, Lillian C.; "Canabocey, The History, Customs and Folklore of St.
James Parish"; 1957.

BRASSEAUX, Carl; "The Founding of New Acadia: The Beginnings of Acadian
Life in Louisiana, 1765-1803"; 1987.

"Scattered to the Wind: Dispersal and Wanderings of the Acadians, 1755-
1809"; 1991.

"Quest for the Promised Land; Official Correspondence Relating to the
First Acadian Migration to Louisiana, 1764-1769"; 198___

BREAUX, Clarence T.; "The Ancestry of Certain BREAUX, BROUSSARD, LOUVIERE,
BARRAS, BONIN, PROVOST and GUILBEAU Families of Louisiana, Acadie,
Quebec and France"; 1990.

BUTLER, Rita BABIN; "Ascension Parish, Louisiana, 1890 U.S. Census"; 1983,
Oracle Press

CAZAUDEBAT, Jane; "Grande Prairie 1803-1853" in Attakapas Gazette Vol. XIV
No. 4 Winter, 1979.

CONRAD, Glenn R.; "The First Families of Louisiana", 2 Vols; 1970.

"St Charles--Abstracts of the Civil Records of St. Charles Parish 1770-
1803"; 1974.

"Saint-Jean Baptiste des Allemands--Abstracts of the Civil Records of St
John the Baptiste Parish with Genealogy and Index 1753-1803"; 1974.

DAIGLE, Ethel T. LECOMPTE; "The LECOMPTE Connection"; 1993.

DE VILLE, Winston; "Acadian Church Records 1679-1757"; 1964.

De VILLE, Winston;  “The New Orleans French, 1973.

"The Acadian Coast in 1779 Settlers of Cabanocey and La Fourche in the
Spanish Province of Louisiana During the American Revolution"; 1993
Ville Platte, LA.

DE VILLIER, Gladys; "The Opelousas Post"; 1972.

DOMANGUE, Edward J., Jr.; "Domingue of Louisiana Immigrants to Spanish
Colonial Louisiana"; 1991 Round Rock, TX.

FORSYTHE, ALICE D., “Louisiana Marriages: A Collection of Marriage Reocrds from the St. Louis Cathedral in New Orleans during the Spanish Regime and the Early American Period, 1748-1806,”  1977.

GODBOUT, Archange; "The Passenger Lists of the Ship Saint-JEHAN" in French
Canadian and Acadian Genealogical Review Vol. I No. I Spring 1968.

HEBERT, Rev. Donald J.; "South Louisiana Records"; Vol. 1 thru 12.

"Soutwest Louisiana Records"; Vol. 1 thru 42.

JEHN, Janet B; "Acadian Decendents, Vol. I"; 1972.

"Acadian Decendents, Vol. II"; 1975.

"Acadian Decendents, Vol. III"; 1979.

"Acadian Decendents, Vol. IV"; 1980.

"Acadian Decendents, Vol. V"; 1984.

"Acadian Decendents, Vol. VI"; 1982.

"Acadian Decendents, Vol. VII"; 1987.

"Baie Des Chaleurs Registres 1786-1799"; 1984

"Baie Ste. Marie Parish Registers 1799-1801"; 1985

LABINE, Mark, "La Verdure de Mirligueche"; 1988, Fourth edition, 1993

LANCTÔT, Léopold, "Familles Acadiennes"; Tome 1, Ottawa 1994

LEDET, E. J., "Des LEDETS de la Louisiane"; Westerman 1986 Thibodaux, LA

LEDET, Laise Marie; "They Came They Stayed"; 1982

LEGER, Yvon; "Beloved Acadia of my Ancestors"; 1992.

MARCHAND, Sidney A., Sr.; "An Attempt To Re-assemble the Old Settlers in
Family Groups"; 1965.

MARTIN, Lucien T. and MARTIN, Melba B.; "Remember Us Historical,
Biographical, Pictorial"; 1987.

MORRISON, Phoebe CHAUVIN; "The Descending Families of Zenon CHAUVIN"; 1991.

MORRISON, Phoebe CHAUVIN and BOUDREAUX, Wilma BOUDREAUX compilers; "Census

1 June 1880, Assumption Parish, Louisiana"; 1991.

POLLARD, Nora Lee CLOUATRE; "The Book of LANDRY"; 1979 New Orleans Academy

RAMEAU, E.; "Remarques sur les Registers de Bell-Isle-en-Mer" en Documents
Inedits publies par le Canada-Francais Vol. III-Janvier 1890.

RIEDER, Milton P. and RIEDER, Norma GAUDET; "The Acadian Exiles in the
American Colonies 1755-1768".

"The Crew and Passenger Registration Lists of the Seven Acadian
Expiditions of 1785"; 1965.

ROBICHAUX, Albert J. Jr.; "Colonial Settlers Along Bayou Lafourche 1770-
1798"; 1974.

"Acadian Marriages in France--Department of Ille-et-Vilaine 1759-1776";

"The Acadian Exiles in Nantes, 1775-1785"; 1978.

"The Acadian Exiles in St. Malo 1758-1785"; 1981.

"The Acadian Exiles in Chateellerault 1773-1785"; 1983.


TERREBONNE GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY; "1870 Census of Assumption Parish, LA"; 1985

"1850 Census of Terrebonne Parish, LA"; compiled by Dorotha HORVATH

"1910 Census Terrebonne Parish, LA Wards 1, 2, 3"; 1983.

"1910 Census Terrebonne Parish, LA Wards 4-10"; 1984

"Generations Past To Present!, Vol. 1"; 1983.

"Generations Past To Present!, Vol. 2"; 1984.

"Memorial to Cheniere Caminada"; 1992.

"Pioneers"; 1984; Phoebe Chauvin MORRISON editor.

THOMAS, LaVerne III; "LEDOUX A Pioneer Franco-American Family"; 1982

TRAHAN, Charles C, Translator; "Acadian Census 1671-1752"; 1994

WEST, Robert C.: "An Atlas of Louisiana Surnames of French and Spanish
Origin"; 1986

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