Gallery title graphic

Piper checking out Meg the German Shepherd.  (12/97  12K) I'm not sure if I like you yet so I'm checking you out. (This is Meg - a wonderful German Shepherd who was calm and patient with little Piper)
Congratulations Meg. You passed inspection. Now let's play! Piper playing with Meg.  (12/97  12K)
Piper's birthday cake from 3 Dog Bakery.  (1/98  6.5K) Wow! My very own birthday cake from 3 Dog Bakery. How'd they know it was my birthday?

(Note: This dog cake does not contain chocolate. Never give your dog chocolate because it is toxic to them.)

The best thing about birthdays (besides the new toys) is the food! I don't have to share this, do I? Piper eating his birthday cake.  (1/98  9.7K)

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Author: Vicki Herman
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Last updated: 7/25/99
copyright © 1997 Vicki Herman
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