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Piper outside while taking a walk. (Fall 96 6K) I just love going for walks and exploring the neighborhood!
I like to chew on my rope bone ... and the molding in the kitchen ... and the kitchen stools ... and... Piper with a bone in his mouth looking too cute! (Summer 96 8K)
Piper standing by the fan on the first day we got him. (4/96 7K) This is the first day in my new home and I'm checking things out!
So are you going to give me that treat or am I going to have to jump for it? Picture of Piper looking up at the treat in our hand. (Summer 96 7K)
Very cute picture with a very thoughtful expression on his face. (Fall 96 7K) Sorry, these thoughts are private.
And I want a stuffed purple dinosaur that squeaks, and a stuffed soccer ball like grandma has, and.... Picture of Piper with Santa. (12/96 9K)
Piper with his purple dinosaur in his mouth. (1/97 7K) Thanks Santa (Dan & Cindy next door) for my purple dinosaur! I just love it and carry it with me everywhere!
Sorry, mom. I need to take a nap now. Picture of Piper sleeping on the floor. (Fall 96 7K)

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Author: Vicki Herman
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Last updated: 7/25/99
copyright © 1997 Vicki Herman
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