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The Shih Tzu Heritage, Jon Ferrante, 1989
Denlinger's Publishers, LTD

Mommy's Review:
This book is a very thorough and informative look at the shih tzu. There are some wonderful photographs and insight from someone who has been involved with the breed for years. (The author is also Piper's breeder so we automatically think rather highly of him.)
Piper's Review:
Four paws up!
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Surviving Your Dog's Adolescence, Carol Lea Benjamin, 1993
Howell Book House

Mommy's Review:
It was fun and reassuring to read about antics of other juvenile pups. It provided insight and humor to surviving this very frustrating and rewarding time in our puppy's life.
Piper's Review:
Three paws up! I tried to keep Mommy from reading this book because I didn't want her to find out all of my secrets.
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Dog Owner's Home Veterinary Handbook, Carlson, D.V.M. and Giffin, M.D., 1992
Howell Book House

Mommy's Review:
A must have. If you own a dog, you need to have some kind of health/maintenance information on hand for those emergencies or just to know what to do for an upset stomach.
Piper's Review:
Four paws up! It's nice for your parents to know what to do to make you feel better. I hate being sick!
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Choosing a Dog, Nancy Baer and Steve Duno, 1995
Berkley Books

Mommy's Review:
I got this book when we were researching the breed of dog we wanted. I found most of the breed reviews on the negative side.
Piper's Review:
One paw up! It said I could be hard to house train and a picky eater! I'll have you know, I am very house trained AND I eat just about anything I can get in my mouth!
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Harper's Illustrated Handbook of Dogs, 1995
Health Care Section by Robert W. Kirk, DVM
HarperPerennial (A division of HarperCollins Publishers)

Mommy's Review:
I found this book very helpful when researching our breed. The color photographs are great and there is a good section in the front that lists each breed with ratings on the following categories: suited to urban life; good with children; good watchdog; exercise advisable; grooming care. If you're thinking of getting a dog, PLEASE do some serious research on the breed you're looking at. It really could make the difference between life and death if you buy a dog you later find that you're incompatible with.
Piper's Review:
Three paws up! Although, I do wish that these books would show how cute I am without the long, flowing coat. Oh, well, you can see for yourself in my very own photo gallery!
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Good Dogs, Bad Habits, Jeanne Carlson with Ranny Green, 1995
Fireside Books (Simon & Schuster)
Mommy's Review:
This book is broken down in a very informative and helpful way. Each problem behavior is explained as the problem, why your dog is doing this, what to say and do, why the suggestions work, and what to do to prevent the behavior in the first place.
Piper's Review:
Two paws up! I am slightly hurt that mommy felt the need to buy such a book but I did like all of the suggestions for the calming massage!
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Dogs for Dummies, Gina Spadafori, 1996
IDG Books Worldwide, Inc. (Dummies Press)
Mommy's Review:
This book is an excellent resource! I found it very straight forward, well organized, and easy to read. Like all of the 'dummies' books, it has the easy to reference icons to indicate what's important, what to watch out for, etc. I think it is a must have for all of us who own a dog or are thinking of getting one.
Piper's Review:
Four paws up! I was very aggravated that mommy felt she had to read it in one sitting but from what I could tell reading over her shoulder, it was very good!
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The Company of Dogs : Twenty-One Stories by Contemporary Masters , Michael Rosen (Editor), Charles Barsotti, William Wegman, 1996
Budget Book Service
Mommy's Review:
I will admit that I didn't finish this book. I got through about half of it (336 pages) when I finally decided to put it down for good. I found I was crying through a good percentage of the stories and I didn't enjoy that. There is a time and place in everyone's life for serious and, yes, maybe depressing literature. However, I was looking for more of a celebration of canine relationships when I picked up this book.
Piper's Review:
Four paws down! It seemed like most of the dogs were dying or were in dysfunctional relationships with their 'parents'. It was too depressing for me.
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Funny Dogs, J.C. Suares (Editor), 1995
Welcome Enterprises, Inc.
Mommy's Review:
This book is a lot of fun to sit down and look at. There are some very cute and funny pictures of dogs in all kind situations. I recommend you take a peak!
Piper's Review:
Four paws up! The only way this book could be any more cute is to have a picture of me in it!
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Good Owners, Great Dogs, Brian Kilcommons with Sarah Wilson, 1992
Warner Books, Inc.
Mommy's Review:
This book is not just training material for your dog but for you, the dog owner.
Piper's Review:
Four paws up! It's about time Mommy got a book on how to train herself. I knew I was already trained so it must be Mommy who needs the extra instruction.
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A Dog's Life, Peter Mayle, 1995
Ordered from Books on Tape
Mommy's Review:
This book details the life of a dog in France. It is a very fun and humorous book full of wry comments on Boy's human companions. I enjoyed listening to this book very much.
Piper's Review:
Unfortunately I was unable to listen to this book since Mommy only played it when commuting to and from work! From her comments, Boy sounds like my kind of dog - even though he apparently doesn't think too highly of most small dogs.
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Chicken Soup for the Pet Lover's Soul: Stories About Pets As Teachers, Healers, Heroes and Friend , Jack Canfield, et al, 1998
Health Communications Inc.
Mommy's Review:
If you've read any of the Chicken Soup for the Soul books you already know the quality of the book. There are tons of wonderful and touching stories that will bring a smile and maybe a tear or two. I found it very sweet and uplifting!
Piper's Review:
I give the book four paws up! I like the fact that the stories are short and Mommy can put it down to play with me!
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Woman's Best Friend: A Celebration of Dogs and Their Women, Barbara Cohen and Louise Taylor, 1996
Mommy's Review:
A heartwarming look at some special relationships between women and their dogs (50 photos). The photos are very nice with a small excerpt for each. It's a nice coffe table type book.
Piper's Review:
I give the book two paws up! There were no shih tzus in the book! I don't know how people think they can sell books without a shih tzu in it!
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How to Be Your Dog's Best Friend : A Training Manual for Dog Owners, New Skete Monks, 1978
Mommy's Review:
This is an absolutely wonderful book that covers everything you need to know to raise your the right way. Their examples focus on German Shepherds since that is what they raise. However, the methods themselves can be used on any breed.
Piper's Review:
Four paws up! Buy it!
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Mailing Lists

Mommy also subscribes to 3 dog mailing lists that have been very good. They all provide good, spirited discussion without all of the bickering or arguing that you may expect. You get to know people and their furry loved ones as well as get valuable information and support as needed. Note: the first two mailing lists are not breeder referral lists.

The Smalldog Listserv is devoted to small dog breeds, including all "toy" breeds as classified by AKC, the small breeds in the non-sporting group, small terriers and crosses.

The Tibetan Breeds Mailing List is for discussion of topics pertaining to breeds originating from Tibet, specifically the Kyi-Apso, Lhasa Apso, Sha-Kyi, Shih-tzu, Tibetan Mastiff, Tibetan Spaniel, and Tibetan Terrier.

ShihTzu-L Mailing List is for discussion of the shih tzu, pet and show dog. This is a great resource if you have a burning question about the shih tzu, these are the people who can answer it. We also share our funniest stories and jokes to keep each other entertained.

The Email Lists Reference Page by Cindy Tittle Moore is a great place to look if you're interested in chatting with others about your favorite family members.

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The Dog's Outfitter is a catalog that is great for almost anything you would ever need. There is a $50 minimum order with a sur-charge or $75 or more order without the additional fee. Before you start thinking that you'd never spend that much, browse the catalog and you'd be surprised how fast it adds up. They have guaranteed low prices and this would be a great place to order all of the start-up supplies you'd need if you're just now getting your puppy/adult dog. 1-800-FOR-DOGS

Cherrybrook is a very good catalog to order from. I use the PPP shampoo/conditioner products and order them from here. Contains mostly grooming products and crates - with a nice selection of books at a good price. They are now on-line so check them out.

For a full list of catalogs available, check out the web page by Cindy Tittle Moore. Resource Page

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Author: Vicki Herman
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Last updated: 7/25/99
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