What's New Title graphic

Do you want to know when things are changing on Piper's Dog House and the Shih Tzu Only Photo Album? Well, sign up for Piper's notification list and receive e-mail detailing the changes. This way, you'll know just when to swing by for a visit. Simply fill out our feedback form or E-Mail us with Piper Notification in the subject line. It's just as easy to stop receiving the notification too! What are you waiting for?

Note: I lost my e-mail list for Piper Notification. If you were on the list before and want to be added again, please send me an E-Mail or fill out the feedback form again. Thanks!

July 1999

2/13 Redid sign graphics for a new minimalist look.
Removed dog quotation page and added a random dog quote to the front page.
Updated some broken links.
Updated my diary to 7/99.

Author: Vicki Herman
Comments to author: vherman@geocities.com

Last updated: 2/14/99
URL: http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Hills/7649/
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