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We used to allow people to apply for our award but Mommy has volunteered to donate her time and efforts to designing a web site for the local animal shelter (she has to follow their design standards) and has less time to monitor applications. We are going to give out our award to those outstanding pet sites that we find while surfing. If you would like us to surf by your site, be sure to sign our guestbook since we always return the favor. The winners are listed below. If you would like to see the criteria Mommy uses when evaluating a site, go here.


Katie's Basset Hounds - Pay a visit to Ginger and Elvis (yes, you heard me correctly - Elvis) and read about their adventures with their best friend Katie!

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Ronja's Home - Visit this very sweet Cavalier King Charles Spaniel living in Sweden! You haven't visited yet, you must because it's beautiful as well as informative.

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Angela's Homepage - Want to find out how dogs and cats live over in Germany? Then visit Angela and her cats (Lisa, Carlos, Bella, Leo, Stinker) and dogs (Willi and Irma) and Mynah birds (Toni and Pia). There are pictures and stories as well as general information. All in all, it's a nice place to spend some time. The site is available in German and English.

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Molly's Dog Pages - Very slick Golden Retriever site. Molly has poetry and her very own webring.

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Jack Russell Barking Lot - This is a very fun and entertaining site designed by 2 very creative Jack Russell Terriers. Sidney and Sidedish are rather cute too!

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Live Stuffed Toy - This site dedicated to the Bichon Frise is a wonderful place to spend an afternoon. There is loads of information about the breed as well as absolutely beautiful pictures.

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happyhounds.calm - This is the home of P K Queen Tootsie Marie and Ransom Creek Lady Bea Marie. What a fun site for Basset Hound enthusiasts! (I have a Basset Hound cousin that I've never met. Now I know a little bit what he's like!)

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Maltese Only - This site is an inspiration to anyone trying to build a complete dog web site. Jay was very gracious to allow me to use his "maltese only photo album" concept to show off our shih tzu. Another must see site!

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Zachary Bear - Silky Terrier Extraordinary - Well, this is one cool silky terrier - and extremely cute too. Want to get a little insight into the life and times of a silky terrier puppy? Then you want to visit Zachary!

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Canidlovers' Home Page: Introducing Misha & April, Two Dogs With Real Lives: Misha & April are very busy dogs - celebrating Halloween, Christmas, Easter, and birthdays, complete with sound and video clips. Then there are the Doggie Quotes, Books Misha & April Would Read If They Could, Canine House guest (with video), In Memoriam, Wolves, Mixed Breeds (humorous), Where Does a 70-Pound Airedale Sleep?, and, of course, 26 pages of Misha & April's Friends, Canine and Cyber. 60+ pages in all!!

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The Kids and Dogs Page is comprehensive canine care guide for the young (and young at heart!) Do you want a puppy? Get the facts. Some of the links weren't completely working yet but I felt it was a very valuable site and wanted to help spread the word.

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Nick & Rudy's Schnauzer Lane is a very cool place to visit. They are even offering to host a web page for the homepage-less pooches out there! Check them out.

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Annika's Shih Tzu Homepage has much to offer. There is some general information about the shih tzu as well as some very useful grooming advice. (She helped me a great deal when I first got Piper)

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Go visit Courtney. Courtney's Corner has many features: her stories and pictures, her friends' page, favorite places, and a growing list of 'pet peeves' (hers and those sent to her by her readership).

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Award Criteria

Remember, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. These are things that are important to me when I'm surfing sites.

  1. Your site is a personal one and is all about your dog(s), or at least part of it is
    You are providing very valuable pet information.
  2. Your site is more than a collection of links.
  3. All images and internal links are in working order.
  4. Download time for your site is manageable for those surfers with at least a 28.8 modem.
  5. Not too much flashing graphics or text.
  6. I can actually read your text with the backgrounds you've chosen.
  7. I've been entertained or informed.

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Author: Vicki Herman
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Last updated: 7/25/99 $-->
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