
is a seemingly non-profit organization headquartered in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania - USA.



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Pictures of HQ
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Old photos


Right-click on any thumbnail photo (below) and select "Open link in New Window" to view the full-sized version.  Then you can right click and "save picture as" for any you'd like to keep.  Then close that window to return to this page.  When done, use the "Back" button to return to this screen.  Some of the pictures below have email addresses too.  Click on those and email away!

Brothers Don, Mark and Kirk Jacobs in Cherry Hill, NJ

Brother Mark, circa 1994

Don and Tasha

We're in Chris and Nina's wedding in three hours?!!

Is Skip gonna get ready for this wedding or what?!!

The motley crew, getting ready at the house

Don, Chris, Nick, & Skip

Brother Chris under the big-top, in Boca Raton, FL

Sister-in-law Nina being thrown to the wolves

Marilyn and Skip

A motley crew!

Table #1, of course!

Wow, no cake smashing.  Good job!

Sister Karen with boyfriend Tommy

Visit Karen's web site

Brother Chris - the new V.P. at his company!


Steve Swab at his parent's estate sale

Chris' team


You know, it's all fun and games until someone loses an eye!  So to protect my computers and all the data they contain, I use ZoneAlarm firewall software.  It traps dozens of people and companies from scanning through my systems (without even asking!) every day.  If you are online, and don't have a personal firewall, you're friggin' nuts!  You'll be amazed at how many people try to hack into your system.


Click on that blue banner to get the details on securing your own system.  That's no joke!