
is a seemingly non-profit organization headquartered in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania - USA.



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Our marketing analysts said that we should make a list of our favorite web sites, and describe a short list of Don's hobbies, projects and interests.  Well that first past was tough, since almost none can even compare to this site.  But in the interest of fair play and good sportsmanship (or is it good marksmanship?)  here are a few sites that warrant a modicum of exposure.  Obviously, we at www.DonJacobs.Org hold no responsibility for the content (or lack thereof) of any of these sites.  Good luck.  Remember, you can always use your BACK key to eventually return to the comforts of the home, here at www.DonJacobs.Org.

FYI - this page is long, probably too long.  Oh well, story of my life...

To save space, some links have only pictures OR words.  It should be pretty self-descriptive!




Aventis Pasteur / ARC  ARC is contracted to provide the desktop, support center and operations professionals for Aventis.  I manage that fine group of technologists.


The Harrisburg Academy


Rumor has it that Tom Campbell and Amy Chick are putting a Reunion together!

The New Brunswick Theological Seminary


Lycoming College


Upsala College (Sorry, no link.  They went out of business!  Some business department they had, huh?!!)  

Edison State College

The National Rifle Association (Promoting safe, responsible gun ownership and training)


Gun Owners of America




My sister Karen's web site

My Favorite Search Engine
Good prices on electronic stuff
Read your personal email from anywhere!
Good safe-harbor CD's
The Microsoft Network

 Where's Yverdon?

Search of "Jacobs Family" on the web

Where did the Yverdon Manor get it's name?  (What's Yverdon?)


Badge 1721 may be coming out of retirement soon as

Emergency Management has asked Don to re-activate

Principle interests include ham radio, books, antiques, cooking, pistol target shooting, dollhouse making, and a few other things.


Books and Antiques - The Living Room is growing to capacity with antique furniture and old (and some new) books.  My collection of unfinished novels is amazing.  (Unfinished novels are those books that I've yet to finish reading.)  - See also, "Pictures of HQ" tab on left.


Longaberger Baskets - The Living and Dining rooms have become home to several baskets - mostly Longabergers, with a few unique no-names here and there.  (Keep those Certificates of Authenticity!)


Cooking - Cooking?  What can I say?  Necessity is the mother of invention, right?  And now I like to cook... - See also, "Pictures of HQ" tab on left.


HAM Radio - General Class N2HVL - I have a Heath HW-2036 2-meter, a Heath SB-102 (HF), an ICOM IC-730 (HF), a few 2-meter handie-talkies, and a few 2-meter mobile rigs.  Currently, I'm loading the HF rigs into a homemade, folded dipole inside the attic.  (And it sucks!)  However I did work Tokyo, Japan on upper side band with only ten watts.  Although the FCC allows amateur radio operators to use up to 2,000 watts, I limit myself to 100 - mostly because I'm too cheap to buy the extra equipment, but also because I live in a condominium and the signal would REALLY piss off the neighbors. 


Mazda Miata ?!!!    Don't worry, I kept the sedan for practical purposes...  although it's falling apart now!


Target shooting & Collecting - Some people get scared by the pistol target shooting and collecting stuff.  (Would you rather someone owned a gun without being able to hit a target?  I don't think you could run for cover fast enough!)  Along with the standard hunting and targeting equipment, I have a Bennett rifle (London) from the U.S. Civil War (orig.), Wild Bill Hickok's brass & ivory-handled pistol from 1869 (repro.), and the Wyatt Earp .44 Peacemaker (repro.).  - See also, "Pictures of HQ" tab on left.

The NRA has gotten a bad name.  Their goal isn't to equip everyone with automatic weapons.  (Although I'll admit - sometimes they sound that way.)  Their goal is make certain that honest, responsible people have the right to CHOOSE to own reliable mechanisms of self-defense.  That's a constitutional right - in fact the second MOST IMPORTANT RIGHT that our Founding Father's (read "Founding Families") had on their minds when forming our nation.  (Paraphrasing Thomas Jefferson: We should not live in fear of neighbor, nor Tyrant.)  I don't need any automatic weapons for self-defense.  I have two strong arms.  But just in case the other dude is on something, or has a stolen gun when he breaks in, one of my trusty 12-gauge shotguns should do just fine, backed up by the .357 Magnum, and then the...

You know, it's all fun and games until someone loses an eye!  So to protect my computers and all the data they contain, I use ZoneAlarm firewall software.  It traps dozens of people and companies from scanning through my systems (without even asking!) every day.  If you are online, and don't have a personal firewall, you're friggin' nuts!  You'll be amazed at how many people try to hack into your system.


Click on the banner above to get the details on securing your own system.  That's no joke!