My Children

is a seemingly non-profit organization headquartered in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania - USA.



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Halloween and Christmas 2001
A Star is Born!

Caroline 3/19/98

Kara's pre-school show

Caroline (standing) w/cousin Rebecca in front

Halloween 1999

Kara's 5th birthday


Kara wins the Little Miss Sussex Contest

Caroline, wearing daddy's glasses by the pool

The girls and daddy, Christmas 1998

The girls at Aunt Kathy and Uncle Kirk's old house

The girls at Aunt Kathy and Uncle Kirk's old house

The girls' 1999 Christmas photo

Kara's first year of preschool

Kara's second year of preschool

Kara's kindergarten picture

The girls in the daisy fields at mommy's house

The girls posing with a retired Formula-1 race car

Caroline can't wait for her mother, and pours out formula powder to eat

Caroline's dollhouse

under construction

The girls' Spring 2000 photo

The girls at Hershey Chocolate World - December 2000

The girls at Hershey Chocolate World - December 2000


The girls during  Christmas 2000 at Yverdon

The girls during Christmas 2000 at Yverdon


Daddy and Kara when she was 2 years old

Kara drew a nice picture for Daddy - Christmas 1999

Kara's Christmas 2000 photo

Caroline works over her lunch, circa 1999

Another Christmas 2000 photo

Kara at age 2

Kara at age 2.5


"What I did this Summer..."

Right-click on any thumbnail photo (below) and select "Open link in New Window" to view the full-sized version.  Then close that window to return to this page.

I call this the "I Hope You Dance" stage of my kids' lives.

(It's a great song and book, by Lea Ann Womack.)

Caroline, Kara and new friend JJ at the beach

Hey, this island isn't too bad!

So that's where sea shells come from huh daddy?

They make good shovels too!

Nana's birthday dinner 2001

Harrisburg, PA


The Kent's Western Hoe Down!

Dude!  Where are your new glasses?

Caroline, Kara and Daddy

Kara & Caroline with Chris' girlfriend Jane



You know, it's all fun and games until someone loses an eye!  So to protect my computers and all the data they contain, I use ZoneAlarm firewall software.  It traps dozens of people and companies from scanning through my systems (without even asking!) every day.  If you are online, and don't have a personal firewall, you're friggin' nuts!  You'll be amazed at how many people try to hack into your system.


Click on that blue banner to get the details on securing your own system.  That's no joke!