Friends and Family

is a seemingly non-profit organization headquartered in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania - USA.



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My Children
Dollhouse & B&W
Friends and Family
Pictures of HQ
The Issues
Old photos


Some of the pictures below have email addresses, indicated by the underlined names.  Left-click on those names to send emails.  Right-click on any thumbnail photo (below) and select "Open link in New Window" to view the full-sized version.  Then close that window to return to this page.

Mom & Don in 1982

Don & Mom at Yverdon (1981)

(Now there's a diet incentive - to look like age 17 again!)

The Buxtons at Yverdon Manor

Christmas 1999 at Yverdon

Aunt Carol

Don's mom, grandfather and The Don himself! (circa 1967)

The Gang of Nine in Sussex - 1998

Cousin Bill's mug shot

(Police #'s removed from the bottom)

Don, Doug, Betsy & Kenny at Yverdon Christmas 2000


The Farm in 1965

(the old family get-away place)

The Farm in December 2000

Kara, daddy and Caroline at daddy's grandparents' grave

Don's mom, Caroline and Don at his grandparents' grave

Christmas 2000 dinner at Yverdon

Cousin Bill hiking on Colorado

Bill's dog "MoHaJeny"

From the names Morgan, Hillary, and Jenny - all previous family pets.

Don's dog "Lucy"


Click here to see photos of his European vacation

Easter 2001

The Brookside Country Club

My new best friend!

(and it handles SO WELL in the snow!)

Family photo at Kirk and Kathy's wedding in Connecticut.

Dad, Mark, Mom, and Don

(Kirk's taking the picture!)

Summer in Yverdon, circa 1984

(Yes, I've started a diet again!!!)

Bill's puppy

Bill and someone else's puppy?

Bill and the guit-fiddle

Bill & the puppy

Muscle's & the puppy

Bill's puppy

Bill's puppy

... in case you missed it before

Bjorn, Don and Matt

Harrisburg Academy Graduation - 1982

Bill & Doug

Bill & Aunt Jane

Bill & the Philly Phanatic

Bill & Uncle Don

Bill @ the Vet.

Dr. Doug's birthday aboard the USS Shreveport

Dr. Doug's birthday

Dr. Doug's birthday

Doug busy at work!

Doug playing Capt.

Doug "singing" @ the xmas party!

Doug in the xmas chow line

WTC flag aboard the Shreveport

Doug, Capt., and other officers with WTC flag


You know, it's all fun and games until someone loses an eye!  So to protect my computers and all the data they contain, I use ZoneAlarm firewall software.  It traps dozens of people and companies from scanning through my systems (without even asking!) every day.  If you are online, and don't have a personal firewall, you're friggin' nuts!  You'll be amazed at how many people try to hack into your system.


Click on that blue banner to get the details on securing your own system.  That's no joke!