Courtney's Poem
Those I Left Behind
Please do not weep anymore
Cause God has come to open His door
It might be hard I know
But you have to let me go
I will always love you
And I shouldn’t have to prove this to be true
Our different lives are now torn away from each other
I will love you sister and brother
As I will miss you mom
I will always love you even though I’m gone
To dad for all the memories we share
I’ll always know you care
I am now an angel above all
I will be with you winter, spring, summer, and fall
All my friends who stood by me
You sheltered me as if you were a tree
You gave me advice and devotion
But now all I give you is pain and emotion
I’m sorry to cause so much sorrow
Trust me things will get better with each tomorrow
To everyone even though I may not show it
I love you and you know it
I will miss your fun and laughter
For now and years after
Some advice I would like to give you
Try hard in everything you do
Accomplish everything you can
Whether you’re a woman or a man
Show everyone what you can be
I want you to do this for me
Now go as you please
Enjoy your life and become at ease
Bury my body but not me
I want my memory to stay alive hopefully
I guess I’m done
Even though I’ve barely begun
There are so many things I wanted to say
But all my words fade away
Now the time has come to leave all of you
Soon I will be reunited with the people I once knew
I hope to see you all some day
Even though I hope this time is not too far away
Until that day comes I will wait for you
Just remember I will always love you

I say goodbye now with a heart that is weeping
You look so peaceful it's as if you were sleeping
You've gone away now into God's loving arms
He welcomes you to a place with out harm
You've gone to a place now where you'll suffer no more
And see loved ones that were here before
So as I say goodbye now with a heart that is weeping
I think to myself one day I will be sleeping.
Author unknown...poem left at cemetery

When I got the call and those words were spoken
My heart is forever broken
Why is it that He took you from us
When will we know Sweet Jesus
I am thankful to have seen you that last day
But why did I not know you were going away
Your 18th birthday is a month away
Did you not know I wanted you to stay
I can see that He is taking the best
Oh how this has been the big test
How soon will it be.
That you'll be here for me
I've seen so many in pain for you
Why can't there be something for me to do
The tears just won't stop flowing
Can you hear me calling
I could not speak for you, it felt wrong
But was so proud of those that were strong
When I came to visit you last night
It warmed my soul to see the bright light
Oh how I want to see that smile
I beg for it as I drive each mile
You know I would give my last penny
Just to have you here, Jenni
Since you have been away
I have missed you each day
Why are you not here
Can't you show me a sign of you up there
You always brought new life to Uncle Pat
But why did you leave us just like that
How do I explain to Nicholas that he just can't have you back
The loss of you brings all of us moods of black
Your Mom knows each day brings her closer to you
But what today is she to do
I want to comfort my dear godchild, Lindsay
But I feel she just wants me to let it be
I hear the pain in your Dad's voice
Four months ago we were not given a choice
Your relatives and friends
Have lost where there can be no amends
Your shining smile, your radiant eyes
Your love for all of us guys
Laughing, dancing, singing, camping, tanning, rafting,
Dave Matthews, Bath and Body, manicures, "Hey Aunt Lu"
I just miss so much about you
Until we sing and dance again
My love for you is just as its been
I feel, I smell, I see, I hear, and I remember you yet
I will see you in every rainbow, every sunset
In memory of my loving niece
Aunt LuAnn

Memory of a Rainbow
A flash of her smile that look in her eye
Who would have thought that she would die?
She was so funny so happy and kind
Why did she go and leave us behind?
But we come together to grieve and to pray
Vowing to remember to our dyeing day
That girl who laughed the one who cried
And to discover that she hasn’t died.
She is still with us with you and me
She lives in our hearts and our memory
The things that she loved her scent and her clothes
The thoughts in her head that only she knows.
Frisbee and peanuts song and dance
Maybe for some an unfinished romance
A daughter and sister a classmate a friend
We all loved her right to the end.
She loved all of us and let us all know
That even when she had to let go
She will walk with us around every bend
Always our rainbow always our friend.
Becky Kasper
Left at the cemetery Christmas morning 1998

The following poem was written by Jenni's friend, Fred. He wrote this poem in memory of his brother,Josh, also killed in an accident. Fred sent it to me and thought it also applied to Jenni.
More to come...
I miss you so much already,
I can't believe that you are gone.
I guess there is a reason,
But I may be wrong.
I wish I could fly,
As high as the birds.
I've known you for so long,
I can't find the words.
I'd fly up to heaven,
And tell you good-bye.
Before I sleep at night,
I lay down in my bed.
Thinking of you,
And tears I have shed.
Maybe someday,
Our paths will cross again.
I'll try to remember,
This isn't the end.

This is from Jenni’s friend’s - grandmother
Fly, Jenni, Fly
Fly, Jenni, fly
Soar up through the sky.
We never had time to say goodbye,
Look for our message of love,
Delivered by balloons up to you in the sky.
Fly, Jenni, fly,
Beyond the planet and the stars.
We will love you forever more,
As our guardian angel in the sky.
Join Jamie in your heavenly home.
Hold hands, run free among the trees.
Be on your way, don’t wait for us.
Know that we will all love, care for, and protect Lindsay.
Who was left behind at her earthly home.
Fly, Jenni, fly,
Cross over to the other side.
We will all meet there someday soon.
The days will come and go,
But we won’t forget your gentle soul.
So until we meet again someday,
Fly, Jenni, fly.

Our Sweet Jenni
A million times we’ve needed you
A million times we’ve cried.
If love alone could’ve saved you
You never would have died.
In life we loved you dearly,
In death we love you still.
In our hearts you hold a place,
No one else will ever fill.
It broke our hearts to lose you,
But you didn’t go alone.
Part of us went with you,
The day God took you home.
Author Unknown

There is a time for tears,
When your heart is
too full of sorrow,
they begin to flow,
as natutally as rain from heaven.
There is a beauty in tears,
a rightness about them.
They should be
shed proudly,
for they show how much
you have lived
and loved and lost.
Tears honor our loved ones.
There is a sacredness
about them.
Each one is a prayer
that only God can hear.
The soul could have
no rainbows
if our eyes could have
no tears.
@Hallmark Cards, Inc.

Remember Me
To the living, I am gone.
To the sorrowful, I will never return.
To the angry, I was cheated.
But to the happy, I am at peace.
And to the faithful, I have never left.
I cannot be seen, but I can be heard.
So as you stand upon a shore,
Gazing at the beautiful sea,
Remember me.
As you look in awe upon a flower
And admire its simplicity,
Remember me.
Remember me in your heart, your thoughts,
And your memories of the times we loved,
The times we cried, the times we fought,
The times we laughed.
For if you always think of me,
I will have never gone.
Author Unknown

I still believe that miracles
can happen every day,
I still think angels sometimes
come to wipe our tears away.
When night seems darkest,
I believe we'll see a light shine clear,
and when the storm is gone,
I'm sure a rainbow will appear.
Amanda Bradley

Two Years /Three Years /Four Years /Five Years
A Girl and Her Dog /
On Angel's Wings /Stairway To Heaven /
An Awesome Dream
National Children's Memorial Day /
Dear Santa From Heaven
Jenni Today /Jenni's Garden
No Drugs*No Alcohol /Testimony and Tribute /To Jenni's Room
Jenni's Birthday /Poems To Jenni /
Sports /Memorials
Only A Mother's Love /Bereaved Parent's Wish List
Forever Young /A Letter From Jenni /Clouds /
Pennies From Heaven /
If I Knew /

This page created November 17th, 1999.