God what I would give to be able to do this again.....to hold you, to touch you, to smell your Tommy cologne. To hear your voice, and delight in your laughter. To see that smile not only on your face, but in your emerald eyes.
There are still a few who cannot understand all of this ~ but more and more who do, and share in my journey. I am moving on in my journey, without Jenni here. As always, there are still days when I slip back to step one. But they are becoming further and further apart, those days. They have become less painful. But not a day goes by that I don't wake up and think about Jenni, and all I am missing with her gone ~ or should I say ~ all that she is missing........
My heart aches for every mother and father who loses a child. Somewhere there will be a very special place for us. Somewhere where we will all share eternal happiness with our lost child again. Until then, God bless all of us broken hearted mommies and daddies. |