I received a gift from a very talented mom who has also lost a child. Sara's loss left her yearning to visualize her son's new surroundings. Through her desire, Sara compiled angel images from Mark's photographs, which she now generously shares with other bereaved mothers and fathers. This was a gift that brought me to tears yet again. But who could not, imagining such a beautiful and breathtaking vision such as this.

Thank you Sara from the bottom of my heart.
Please visit Sara by clicking on Jenni's angel image.

A Girl and Her Dog/
On Angel's Wings/Stairway To Heaven
An Awesome Dream/
National Children's Memorial Day/
Dear Santa From Heaven
Two Years/Three Years/ Four Years/Five Years
Jenni's Garden/
No Drugs*No Alcohol/Testimony and Tribute/To Jenni's Room
Jenni's Birthday/Poems To Jenni/
Only A Mother's Love/Bereaved Parent's Wish List
Forever Young/A Letter From Jenni/Clouds/
Pennies From Heaven/
If I Knew
Awards/Web Rings and Acknowlegements

Guest Book

I Love You Jenni
Page created July 19, 2000.