Our Guestbook |
This is a beautiful story, which confirms my belief in the power of dreams. Every night when I go to sleep, I wish so hard to dream of Jenni. As I wrote in one poem...if I can't have Jenni here, please let me have her in my dreams. |
This dream was not one of mine. This dream came to me by email, after visiting a new internet friend of mine in Virginia. |
I met Barb on the internet. Another bereaved mother, another broken heart. I was so attracted to her daughter's web site not only to share in her loss, but for her daughter Dawn's love for animals. After signing her guestbook, emails started. I had not had my site for Jenni at this time, it was not even a thought. As I explored more and more into memorial sites, I did devlope this site for Jenni. And Barb was a frequent visitor. Our emails continued, as well as chatting via ICQ, to the point where I felt I knew Barb as well as if we had been friends forever. In June of 2000, out of the blue, we were talking about something Barb had just done at her house, and she said something to the effect of, just come and see it in person. Well, I pondered this for a while, and said, "Why not?" Barb had a week off of work around the 4th of July, I am off two months every summer, and quick plans were made for me to travel to Virginia and spend five days with Barb. My husband thought I was totally crazy, going to spend five days with a stranger. Little does he know the relationship Barb and I developed through our common, devastating loss. The joke the whole time I was there, was that I was an ax murderer, as Barb's friends also questioned our wanting to meet each other. Barb introduced me to her neighbors and co-workers as "The Ax Murderer"!!!! It was so fun. |
Yes, it was uncomfortable the first few minutes after I arrived, but things were so great, we had such a good visit. One evening we spent watching videos of each other's daughter, with the kleenex box close by. I took a video with me of Jenni, one which I had never seen the end of. Jenni and her best friend Courtney must of had a blast making that...it was of the two of them doing karaoke~it was so cute~I cried through the whole thing. |
Barb and I did some sight seeing in Charlotesville, and spent a lot of time with her twin sister in Richmond. They are wonderful web weavers and taught me many things useful in enhancing my web site. The five days went by incredible fast. I could not believe it when I boarded my bus for home, with tears in my eyes. Would I ever see my dear friend again? |
Of course I emailed Barb as soon as I arrived back in Illinois. I think that will be the last time I do a lengthy trip via Greyhound!!!!! About five days after I was home, I got an email from Barb that started with...I have to tell you something.....well, my heart immediately fell. My first thought was, what happened to who? Did someone I met in Virginia die? Well, the email went on to say...I had a dream about Jenni last night, don't get upset with what I have to tell you. |
Well, by this time I am already in tears. Barb and I had talked about dreams, and how both of us were so discouraged as we could not dream about our daughters. She was afraid I would be mad at her that she had a dream about Jenni, and was hesitant to tell me about it. I am so glad she did share it, as this is so unbelievable. In the dream, Jenni was in Barb's home in Virginia. Barb could not remember why, or what was happening. All she could remember was that Jenni came up to her in a pair of jeans that were ripped and tattered at the knees. Barb asked Jenni why she was wearing jeans like that. Jenni said to Barb, "Tell my mom, all the kids here wear their jeans like this." Barb said Jenni was beautiful, with her beautiful long blonde hair flowing and that Jenni "flashed" her with her famous, gracious smile.. |
Remember Barb never knew Jenni-has only seen photos and that video. I never told Barb that I used to tease Jenni for wearing jeans like that-I'd tell Jenni I was afraid people might think I can't afford nice clothes for her. |
This dream Barb had helps confirm my belief that our loved ones are still close to us. Communication must be possible. If you like to read this type of material, I highly suggest the following two books... Talking To Heaven by James Van Praagh and Hello From Heaven by Bill and Judy Guggenheim. |
So now, I have this wonderful vision, that all teenagers in heaven are wearing jeans with holes in the knees. They are not wearing white, flowing angel gowns!!! |
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This is a license plate Barb and I saw one afternoon while out to lunch. When I saw it-I made Barb stop to get this picture. I relate to WWJD as-What would Jenni do? That combined with the AX murderer!!!!!!!!! |
Barb and Tommy (and the neighbor's son) on the deck of their beautiful home in Charlottesville,Virginia. |
Barb and me touring a beautiful botanical garden in Richmond, Virginia. |
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The Dream |
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I love you Jenni |
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