Jennifer-3 years old..............1986 Jenni 5-Lindsay 3

1994-12 Years Old-7th Grade..............GI Jenni

1997...Trying to steal the pilot’s leather bomber

4th of July,1998..Karaoke Queens!!

August 97.......washing her hair in a lake!

My Leopard Queen's last Christmas with us.. 97.................the last picture taken of Jenni(and a rainbow)

Two Years /Three Years /Four Years /Five Years
A Girl and Her Dog /
On Angel's Wings /Stairway To Heaven /
An Awesome Dream
National Children's Memorial Day /
Dear Santa From Heaven
Jenni Today /Jenni's Garden
No Drugs*No Alcohol /Testimony and Tribute /To Jenni's Room
Jenni's Birthday /Poems To Jenni /
Sports /Memorials
Only A Mother's Love /Bereaved Parent's Wish List
Forever Young /A Letter From Jenni /Clouds /
Pennies From Heaven/
If I Knew /

I Love You Jenni