Over the years, many people have referred to me as the woman at the well,
because of my marriages. I studied her story, and I asked the Holy Spirit
to show me what it was really like for her. I found, that while the scene
and the time was completely different, my life and heart was not much different
from hers. Jesus went out of His way to meet her heart cry, just as he
did with me.
It was lunch time, Jesus was tired and hungry, He and the disciples had
been walking all morning. He sat down at the well to rest, and to get a
drink. He sent His disciples into the town to buy some food, it would probably
have taken them about two hours, by the time they walked into town, bought
food and walked back.
He was starting to rest when along came a woman, alone, and obviously
from the Samaritan town; she was carrying a water jar on her shoulder.
She had just walked about half a mile in the heat of the day. It was a
daily ritual for her. She would go at midday, so she wouldn't have to face
the judgements and looks from the townspeople. She couldn't be bothered
with them. She was flippant and defensive, and avoided confrontation at
all cost. I can imagine, that as she walked to get her groceries, the neighbours
and townspeople would be whispering about her as she walked by. Not so
good for the self esteem, so I guess that she would have hardened herself,
and put up giant walls to protect herself.
What about her children, did they get teased and tormented as well? I presume
that she had children, because she had five husbands. The bible doesn't
say, whether her husbands died or divorced her, but she wasn't willing
to try a sixth marriage, (don't blame her really) so she lived de-facto.
Did she marry to support her children? There was no social security system
then. Whatever the reason, she was in a situation that left her with a
lot of shame. Shame, enough to cause her to go out in the heat of the day
to draw water for her family.
This day, her life was about to change. I guess she was surprised to see
a man (Jewish at that), sitting at the well, when she wasn't used to talking
to anyone. She approached the well and started to draw water. He said to
her, "Give me a drink".
She was probably wondering, whether this stranger was coming on to
her, or just having fun with her. One thing for sure, was she felt she
could have a bit of fun with him, after all, he was a stranger, and wouldn't
know about her reputation. She gave him a drink, and sarcastically humoured
him, "How is it, that you, being a Jew, ask me, a Samaritan woman, for
a drink"? There was a sting in her words. Her sense of inferiority to this
stranger made her defensive toward him.
Jesus wasn't offended, He knew her heart. He tried a different
approach (trying to break down her defensive walls). He answered her with
compassion, "If you knew the gift of God, and who it is that asks you for
a drink, you would have asked him, and he would have given
She was probably thinking, that if she could only get hold of this living
water, she wouldn't have to go to the well everyday in the heat. She wouldn't
have to cope with the gossip, and the snide remarks from the people.
Her walls were starting to break down a little and she was curious.
"Sir", she said... "You have got nothing to draw with, and the well is
deep. (In other words, "You are offering me something, that you can't get
for yourself"). " Where can you get this living water? Are you greater
than our father Jacob, who gave us the well and drank from it himself,
as did his sons and flock and herds"?
Jesus appealed to her need, He had her attention, and answered "Everyone
who drinks of this water, will still get thirsty, but everyone who drinks
the water I give them, will never thirst again. The water I give him, will
become in him a spring of living water, welling up to eternal life.
Her mind wandered as she was thinking about how cool it would be never
to feel thirsty again, it would be bubbling inside her. She hadn't clicked
to what Jesus was saying to her broken heart. She wanted relief from the
struggles of daily life.
Demanding action, her hands on her hips, she haughtily asked, "Sir,
give me this water, so that I may never thirst again, and have to continually
come here to draw water".
Jesus had her full attention. Pulling down another major wall in her
life. He said to her, "Go, and call your husband, and come back here".
She was taken aback. She had a sick feeling in her stomach. She felt
exposed. It had cut her very heart. What did this man want of her? He wanted
her to walk another mile in the hot sun to bring back, a man, who was not
her husband. If she told him that he was her de-facto, it would expose
her private life and make her feel even more inferior to him. She was a
afraid of rejection, especially when she was enjoying this conversation
with someone who didn't know of her past. There was no way out. If she
told Him the truth, or told Him a lie, she would be exposed and the conversation
would be over. She would walk away feeling that familiar shame. Her hands
went limp and her head bowed in shame, as she accepted her fate. With a
sullen withdrawal and a hint of resentment, she said " I have no husband
Jesus knew how she was feeling, and acknowledged her attempt at the truth
and said with compassion " You have spoken truly, in saying...' I have
no husband ' ". He was helping her fill in the picture. " For you have
had five husbands, and the man you are living with is not your husband,
in this, you have told the truth". In that second, she was fully exposed,
she was shocked and relieved at the same time. Her life flashed before
her eyes. Then it dawned on her, that Jesus knew all this about her, and
still He treated her with respect.
Like many of us, when we are challenged with our moral behaviour, we get
all defensive. She was no different. She tried to change the conversation
and take the focus off her life, she got into an argument about religious
beliefs. Jesus skillfully answered her questions and brought her back to
the real issue. He awakened in her, a spiritual need... then revealed to
her that He was the Messiah.
At that point, the disciples returned with the food. They were surprised
to see Jesus talking to this non Jewish woman. They didn't ask any questions,
but their faces showed what they were thinking, and I guess the woman really
felt uncomfortable, and sensed them judging the situation. She left without
her water jar. The disciples urged Jesus to eat something because they
knew how hungry He was. He didn't want anything. This woman had her thirst
satisfied, and Jesus had His hunger (to do the will of the Father) satisfied.
A natural need had driven both of them to God's appointed place, to meet
a spiritual need.
What was so important to start with, had no importance when the deeper
need was met. How great is our God, that He should take the time out to
enter the life of a desperate, broken, used up woman.
She abandoned her water jar, and ran half a mile back to town. In spite
of her breathlessness she stopped people, and with hope and excitement,
she told everyone she could about the Man who told her everything she had
ever done. These very people who judged, and hurt her, came out of town
to see Him. Many of the townspeople believed in Jesus because of this woman's
Jesus stayed in the town for two days, and many more became believers.
They turned to the woman and said, respectfully to her, " We no longer
believe just what you said, now we have heard for ourselves, and we know
that this man really is the Saviour of the world ".
Because of this one hurt, stroppy woman, the first non Jewish
revival happened.
Read her story; in John chapter 4
God can take anyones life and turn it around. My life is similar to this
womans story. I invite you to walk through the unwritten parts that cause
the walls to be erected,knowing that in one heart meeting with Jesus, the
walls can be broken down. My testimony will take you there.
Click Here!
"My Testimony"