My life

Well, now that you've met some other people I know, here's your chance to learn more about me. As I said, I'm 16 and a sophomore at Lawrence Central High School. I'm in marching band too. There's not really a lot to say about me without boring you to death. As you can see, I'm really close to my friends as well as my family. I've grown up in Indianapolis, IN all my life too. Here's a short list of my favorites:

chatting online*hanging out with friends*Arthur (tv show)*talking on the telephone*writing letters*inside jokes*my sister*Newsboys & Jars of Clay (bands)*Sarah McLaughlin*surprise parties*marching band :cP*ER*clarinet

--This page was made a year ago, but here's my freshman year picture (left) and this year's (right). I hate them both, but oh well! I never take very good pictures anyway. :cP

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