East 91st Street

Well, this is my church's section. I go to a big church, but it's pretty decent. The Jr. High is called SOAR (Standing On the Almighty Rock) and the Sr. High, BOTA (Be On The Alert), are led by Marc McClure, Heather Heidleman, and Lee Hinkle. My three good friends go there, Megan, Natalie, and Rachel.

This is a picture of our sanctuary at the annual Christmas Eve service. I couldn't get the whole effect in a little picture, though. Our church is the biggest Christian church in Indianapolis, and is the prime place for concerts and weddings.

Here are a few of my buddies at E91 on a Sunday morning. (l-r) Cliff, Leah, Kristin, Mary.

This is a pic of Marc, our senior high youth pastor, with my bud, Laura. This was taken on one of those RARE Sunday mornings when LAURA IS ACTUALLY THERE!

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