Welcome to my Guestbook!

12/16/00 03:54:19
Name: Angie Joyelle My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your fav movie: 6th sense Your fav TV show: who's line........ Your fav song: hmm don't know i have a lot of ones i like a lot
Your fav actor/actress: hmmm good question Your fav color: green Your fav food: who knows, so much to choose from

hey leah. i just thought i would drop by your page and see what all you had on it. its simply marvelous. bye

04/23/00 05:22:06
Name: Brad Ashbaugh My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your fav movie: The Sting Your fav TV show: Jeopardy Your fav song: Star Spangled Banner
Your fav actor/actress: Robert DeNiro Your fav color: Green? Your fav food: Ice Cream

Hi, Nice site. I was just wondering who the Ashbaughs are in your family. I am doing my genealogy and came across your page while searching. Surfing on now, Brad Ashbaugh

03/04/00 00:56:20
Name: Sam Gilchrist My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your fav movie: Blazing Saddles Your fav TV show: The Simpson's Your fav song: High Plains Drifter By The Beastie Boys
Your fav actor/actress: Tom Cruise/ Gwyneth Paltrow Your fav color: Blue Your fav food: Italian Food

Nice web page, i really liked that picture of Rachel in 8th grade. Just Kidding, she was telling me how bad of a picture it was.

02/24/00 03:38:58
Name: Anne My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your fav movie: Tarzan Your fav TV show: Friends Your fav song: Blue by Eifel 65
Your fav color: blue Your fav food: any italian

Leah~ You told me to visit, so I did. I am liking all of the LC pics in here!! :0) We miss you there babe, you need to come visit even though I can see you at church!! Talk to you later!!

11/17/99 17:19:30
Name: Jenny Sue Conner My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your fav song: Any Praise song Your fav actor/actress: Paul Newman Your fav color: Purple
Your fav food: Soups-all kinds

I already wrote in your guestbook once. But, I had to come back after I found out your Moms name. It is also my name! I have never run into another Jenny Sue (lots of Jennifers and lots of Sues though). I found this website by my parents, Gary and Ton Osborn, who are members of First Christian Church in Huntington Beach, California. They housed the Lalls on their visit to this area. I enjoyed your website very much. Say Hi to Jenny Sue from Jenny Sue!

11/15/99 17:35:01
Name: David Lall
My URL: Visit Me

Enjoyed your homepage Love you David

11/15/99 01:55:05
Name: Laura Apple My Email: Email Me Your fav movie: Mighty Ducks
Your fav TV show: Seinfeld (reruns) Your fav song: hmm...don't think i have one right now Your fav actor/actress: Julia Roberts
Your fav color: blue Your fav food: ravioli

Leah...love the changes on your webpage...the Oscarette pictures are AWESOME. But...just wondering why it says I'm a SOPHOMORE? I'm a junior now...hehe...just kidding...it's no big deal! Bye darling! Love and prayers, LAURA

10/26/99 00:33:38
Name: Liz Otero My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your fav movie: Titanic Your fav TV show: Ally Mcbeel Your fav song: Bills,Bills,Bills
Your fav actor/actress: Mellisa Joan Heart Your fav color: Blue Your fav food: Mexican food


10/09/99 21:52:51
Name: Dad and Grandpa My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your fav TV show: 60 Minutes!
Your fav color: Red

We visited your page today to show it to Grandpa. It still looks good. Dad

08/22/99 01:36:12
Name: Grace My Email: Email Me
Your fav movie: notting hill Your fav TV show: WIll and Grace.. Gee i wonder y! Your fav song: Angel- Sarah McLaughlan
Your fav actor/actress: hmm.... Julia Roberts Your fav color: Light Blue Your fav food: Spaghetti

I love u Leah, And no matter what life throws at me or u, i know that we have each other and nothing can change that u are my best bud! I knew the day i saw u in my pink dress and nasty perfume that u were going to be my bud! LOL wow that was a while ago! -Peace n' Love- Gracey

08/04/99 04:21:33
Name: Peyton Kent Gravely My Email: Email Me
Your fav movie: Star Wars Your fav TV show: M*A*S*H Your fav song: Shimmer
Your fav actor/actress: Harrison Ford Your fav color: Blue\Red Your fav food: Beef Stroganoff

Hey Leah..hows life...hope your doing well in Band camp..I miss you..see you soon..hehehe

07/05/99 03:31:39
Name: Steven LeCroy My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your fav movie: Pulp Fiction Your fav TV show: Late Night with Conan O' Brian Your fav song: Ding Dong Daddy of the D-Car Line
Your fav actor/actress: Sean Connery, Alyssa Milano Your fav color: green or blue Your fav food: Pizza, but only if its really greasy

Nice page, I just like finding people my age with their own page. You should only visit my page to download music, I think I have my school's new halftime show on it. I play trumpet in all my schools bands. People say the trumpet section is the most in ane section in our band. They are much better than clarinets, although I have nothing against clarinets. One of my best friends plays clarinet. Anyway, E-Mail me and we can get into a huge argument. Bye now. :) Steven (:

06/25/99 13:42:15
Name: Laura Beth My Email: Email Me Your fav movie: Oh...there are lots...I like Fletch, MIghty Ducks, First Knight, Stepmom..etc...
Your fav TV show: ER or Seinfeld Your fav song: I dunno Your fav actor/actress: Sandra Bullock or Julia Roberts
Your fav color: Blue Your fav food: carrots

Hey...don't ask me why I am signing this again...but, I love you Leah and I hope to see you sometime soon! Hope your summer is going good...bye!

05/28/99 15:57:32
My URL: Visit Me


05/24/99 02:41:59
Name: Ann My Email: Email Me
Your fav movie: Anastasia Your fav TV show: Blue's Clues Your fav song: Every New Day
Your fav actor/actress: Ethan Hawke! Your fav color: blue Your fav food: chocolate

Hi Leah! Cool webpage. Love the pictures. Keep it up. G2G. Happy bday. Ann the SLICK one

04/25/99 23:44:59
Name: Isabella Pacheco My Email: Email Me
Your fav movie: The Wedding Singer and Happy Gilmore and Austin Powers Your fav TV show: Dawson's Creek and SNL Your fav song: anything by Dave Matthews Band
Your fav actor/actress: Keanu Reeves, Brad Pitt, Adam Sandler, Your fav color: blue, white, black, red Your fav food: i love all food!!!!(no pickles, thank you very much)

Leah, I loved your page and it seems like you worked very hard on it. It was very cute. C-ya around--all summer long at band!

04/11/99 17:57:12
Name: Lydia My Email: Email Me
Your fav movie: Reality Bytes Your fav TV show: Buffy the Vampire Slayer Your fav song: "What a Good Boy"
Your fav actor/actress: Tom Hanks Your fav color: green Your fav food: macaroni & cheese

Leah, Well, you're at my house right now, and I just have to tell you your website rocks!! I am so excited about marching band, (have I mentioned that lately??) :) Well, I'll go; your neck is starting to hurt! Love, Lydia

03/31/99 04:45:21
Name: Nicole Woods Your fav movie: Tombstone Your fav TV show: Friends
Your fav song: "Real World" Your fav actor/actress: Val Kilmer(looks better with short hair) Your fav color: green
Your fav food: ice

Nice page! If I ever overcome my fear of computers I'll visit it again.

03/31/99 04:41:23
Name: Elise Ashbaugh Your fav movie: Star Wars Your fav TV show: Sunset Beach
Your fav song: "Kiss the Rain" Your fav actor/actress: Ben Affleck(what a hottie!) Your fav color: green
Your fav food: cheese

I don't have any comments (well, I guess that was my comments there).

03/31/99 04:37:04
Name: Lauren Reifsnider My Email: Email Me Your fav movie: The Godfather
Your fav TV show: Friends Your fav song: "I Will Survive" Your fav actor/actress: Freddie Prinze Jr./Meg Ryan
Your fav color: Red Your fav food: pizza

Leah is a big dork!!!!!!!!!! nice pads!!!!

03/28/99 02:36:52
Name: Dave Neal My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your fav movie: Fugitive, Matilda Your fav TV show: Early Edition Your fav song: Metallic-Unforgiven II
Your fav actor/actress: Sean COnnery Your fav color: blue Your fav food: grilled chiken breast

Hey! Awesome website! I finally got one too, visit it sometime. It's www.nerkiness.cx/~bacanos How's it going? GOtta go Dave

03/21/99 19:45:26
Name: ryan moulden My URL: My Email: Email Me
Your fav movie: Brave Heart Your fav TV show: ER Your fav song: Peggy Sue (baby I love you.. by Mr. Saturday!
Your fav actor/actress: Tony Sobota(Mr. Saturday) Your fav color: Red (red team rules!!) Your fav food: Corn on the Cob

Wonderful Web Page!! I love your music PICS!!!!

03/16/99 20:45:21
Name: Tommy Allen My Email: Email Me Your fav movie: Sister Act 2
Your fav TV show: Rosie O'Donnell Your fav song: Earth Angel (haha Leah) Your fav actor/actress: John Claude Vandam
Your fav color: blue Your fav food: pizza

Hey Leah! I like the picture of me trying to be drum major. :) E-mail me.

03/08/99 02:48:13
Name: Cortney Trogden My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your fav movie: ace ventura:pet detective Your fav TV show: 7th heaven Your fav actor/actress: adam sandler
Your fav color: blue Your fav food: oreos


02/19/99 21:24:34
Name: Anne Humphrey My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your fav movie: Little Mermaid!!!! Your fav TV show: 7th Heaven Your fav actor/actress: Matt Damon
Your fav color: blue or green Your fav food: ????

Hey there cutie!!!! Sorry I didn't come in sooner!

02/11/99 01:40:34
Name: Matt Moberly My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your fav movie: Brain Candy Your fav TV show: 7th Heaven Your fav song: Did you feel the mountains tremble?
Your fav actor/actress: Bruce Willis Your fav color: Green, the dark kind Your fav food: Peeps or Gummi Hamburgers

Well I've been to your page a few times and it's good every time I go there! Kind of like Brain Candy, or 7th Heaven, or a Bruce Willis movie. Kind of like eating a gummi hamburger or listening to a Delirious(?) song. That's about was well as I can descri e it. Your pictures are good, too. --Matt

02/07/99 21:54:59
Name: Lauren Svenstrup My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your fav movie: Empire Records Your fav TV show: Darma & Greg Your fav song: At the moment I dont know...
Your fav actor/actress: Meg Ryan Your fav color: ummmmm... Clear Your fav food: popcorn

I like your page a lot! Hope to get to know you better! Love, Lauren

02/06/99 20:51:19
Name: Emily My Email: Email Me
Your fav movie: The Parent Trap Your fav TV show: Rugrats Your fav song: Paper Tigers
Your fav actor/actress: Lindsay Lohan Your fav color: blue Your fav food: Ramon noodles


02/06/99 20:36:31
Name: Tim My Email: Email Me
Your fav movie: Independence Day Your fav TV show: Brothers Keeper Your fav song: Missing Person
Your fav actor/actress: Will Smith Your fav color: Green Your fav food: Spaghetti

Im your cousin you brought me here! OUCH!

02/05/99 22:10:08
Name: Susie mohr My Email: Email Me
Your fav movie: don't really have one but if I had to choose right now I would probably say Dirty dancing or Ferris Beuler. Your fav TV show: Thats hard too probably friends. Your fav song: I guess Jumper right now or Hotel California
Your fav actor/actress: Mabey Matt Damen or Harrison Ford Your fav color: blue Your fav food: pasta


02/05/99 19:26:34
Name: Erin Whorlow My Email: Email Me
Your fav movie: Wedding Singer or While You Were Sleeping Your fav song: All My Life Your fav actor/actress: ?s
Your fav color: Green Your fav food: Spaghetti

HI Leah, you probably don't know me, Laura sent me her fav. website address and I was bored and I though I'd check it out! You probably don't remember this, but we were at Camp Allendale a few years ago at the same time(I think it was 96 or 97)Anyways... your website is really cool, I like it!

02/04/99 03:01:09
Name: Kristen StrongMy Email: Email Me
Your fav movie: While You Were Sleeping Your fav TV show: 7th Heaven Your fav song: "You" by Jaci Velasquez
Your fav actor/actress: Sandra Bullock Your fav color: blue Your fav food: fried chicken

Hi! Sorry I messed up the first one.

02/02/99 13:46:29
Name: Laura Apple My Email: Email Me Your fav movie: Sense & Sensibility
Your fav TV show: ER Your fav song: Angel Your fav actor/actress: Sandra Bullock
Your fav color: Blue Your fav food: Ravioli

Hey there! Your web page is really awesome, Leah! You're a great friend! Love ya lots! - Laura

02/02/99 03:27:05
Name: Lizzy My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your fav movie: A Walk in the Clouds Your fav TV show: when was the last time I watched TV? Your fav song: I will be here
Your fav actor/actress: Dean Cain! Your fav color: Purple Your fav food: Salad

Hannah made me do this!

02/02/99 02:10:53
Name: Grace Flanagan Your fav movie: Armagedon
Your fav TV show: Dawsons Creek Your fav song: Angel Your fav actor/actress: Meg Ryan
Your fav color: Sky Blue Your fav food: Italian

Life is AWESOME and the little things do count!

02/01/99 21:27:46
Name: Hannah Marie My Email: Email Me
Your fav movie: Hope Floats Your fav TV show: Leah Your fav song: Leah
Your fav actor/actress: Leah Your fav color: Purple Your fav food: lazagna

I don't know how to spell Lazanga. Nice Web page Little Sister

02/01/99 17:51:47
Name: Ron Fernsler My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your fav movie: Back to the Future Your fav actor/actress: You think you know already Your fav color: Red
Your fav food: Dessert

You have done a great job with your page. Dad

02/01/99 00:24:56
Name: Becca My Email: Email Me Your fav movie: Ever After
Your fav TV show: 7th Heaven Your fav song: Faithful Friend Your fav actor/actress: Julia Roberts
Your fav color: yellow Your fav food: pizza

Hey Girl! I really love your web page, hon. I'll send you the pic of me as soon as I find one that is actually good! :) Love Always, Becca

01/31/99 21:39:24
Name: Leah Fernsler My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your fav movie: Anastasia Your fav TV show: ER Your fav song: Adia
Your fav actor/actress: Meg Ryan Your fav color: red Your fav food: chicken

Hey Everybody! This is just a test to make sure this works. Hope you liked my page!

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