We had the WebTV demonstrated to us on August 17, 1997 and we were immediately impressed and interested, not only in the unit itself, but in becoming distributors of this remarkable invention.
We owned 2 computers, but had never experienced the simplicity of surfing the web and receiving e-mail that the WebTV offered. We knew this was the answer to accessing the internet for everyone, in a cost effective and user friendly approach.
While surfing different sites, I realized that there was more I could do on the WebTV. That's when I became interested in learning html. Initially, I spent a lot of time at Dr. Draac's site. He is a WebTV owner himself and provides html tutorials and linkable web graphics to other WebTV owners.
Below you will find links to sites that are WebTV oriented. So if you are currently using a WebTV you can find special information or if you are using a computer you can learn more about the wonderful world of WebTV, although all sites are not accessible to PC's.
WebTV Angel
WebTV Take Home Kit
Dr. Draac's Home Page
Ski Hounds WebTV Help Page
WebTV Tricks
WebTV Education ~ Sorry, Computers are restricted from this site.
The Wonderful World of WebTV
WebTV User's Homepages A-D
Club WebTV
WebTV's Web Site
WebTV Info Site
WebTV Development Help

E-mail a happy
WebTV owner