I enjoy reading poems and the ones I love the best are the ones written by my children. Liz (Aiko) is our youngest and below are two of my favorites of her poems.

Liz's Poems

The following are a few meager poems created by me, Liz, for no particular reason other than I like to write. If you disagree or dislike any of them, please spare me.

Butterfly Wings

For the rest of my life
All of my dreams
Will reside upon velvet
Butterfly Wings

The weight of my thoughts
The soul of my being
Will rest comfortably on delicate
Butterfly Wings

But be wary to alter
The course of these dreams
By reaching and grasping their
Butterfly Wings

For then they will wither
These gifts that I bring
They'll shatter and fade like tainted
Butterfly Wings

Let my heart run wild
Let my thoughts roam free
Let my dreams soar high on velvet
Butterfly Wings. ~Aiko

*Background: This was a poem that just sorta came to me. I was sitting there thinking how Sailor Moon has 3 "B" specials ~ bows, bubbles and butterflies. I swear they are in every season. So I got all inspired for some strange reason and wrote a poem about bubbles and butterflies. I didn't like it though, so I wrote this one. I guess I like it; I like it better at least.

First Kiss

Did I live before this moment?
Did my heart beat,
Did my eyes see,
Did my fingers touch,
Before your lips touched mine
Breathing life into my soul
And setting fire to my body?

How could I smile
Or dance, or sing, or laugh
Before my first true love
Performed this miracle?

Under the brilliant full moon
Your eyes searched for signs
Yet, I lay silent under your touch
A lovely doll with no movement

But as you leaned towards me
Slowly pulling me to you
That doll came to life.
It moved without strings

Your breath, your lips, your touch
So strong against my porcelain frame
Your heart, your soul, your beat
Now in tune with mine

But do you mean it?
Do you love me?
It's still hard to tell
As you pull away so gently
Opening those feline eyes
To spread a smile across those lips
That once touched mine

Thank you, moonlight
Bless you, night
For my first lover's kiss
Which gives new meaning
To my life

*Background: No this poem is NOT about me. That's the first thing my friends ask, so I know it's what you are thinking. This is about a character, Momiji, from the anime "Blue Seed", and her love interest, Mamoru Kusanagi. This is from the episode where they "first Kiss", but the truth is he is giving her CPR. She takes it as her first kiss because she loves Kusanagi and wants it to be so. Don't worry, it wasn't just all CPR for him either.

Click here to read more of Liz's poems and thoughts. Maybe I am a just a proud mother, but I do think they are wonderful.

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