More links have been added for your enjoyment and I even added a couple of educational resources. Bambi and Spunky Lady have sent some of these to me and I thank them!
National Geographic ~ Wonderful Maps and Facts about the World (a good homework resource)
*My Photo Cube~ I have added the photo cube with pictures of my wonderful little family. Their interests are as diverse as they are, so with each picture there is a link to a site they enjoy. Single click on the picture to see it up closer and double click to visit their FUN SITE. Personally, fun for me is looking at them.
*This is an applet so if your browser does not support Java (sorry, WebTV friends), you will not be able to see the photo cube. The links to their sites are also in "Take a Tour" in the geoguide at the top of some my pages. I did make a Family Photo Page so my WebTV friends will not be really left out at all.