You know those websites that you see and are like 'Wow', 'Thats a Cool Link' (like my site), well here are a bunch of them I think you'll enjoy...
I get P.O.ed often, and this game, even with its poor animation, is able to help me let out some steam. The only catch is you need Shockwave. Click here to play sissy fight...
If you think this watercolor is cool, maybe you should check out Alice's gallery of watercolors and sketches. This site is updated often and very cool.
Click here to see...
Do you enjoy reading poetry? Dan creatively puts together his own thoughts with his life experiences. Check out this hip young artist's work, I'm sure you'll enjoy it... Click here
Daily new jokes and hilarious images are added to this free site. Check it out or even sign up for their daily jokes subscription to be sent to your inbox every day... click here to see...
Do you know of some hip sites that deserve to get noticed? Send them to me, and I'll check 'em out and post them if I like 'em.
Embarrassing moments

Practical Jokes/Pranks

Stupid things Parents Do

Ancient Chinese Horoscope

Dumb Blonde Jokes

Rant of the MONTH
Do you love South Park? Me too? So maybe this devoted fan's website is for you. Not only are there great pics and forums, but also South Park games can be found... Click here...