Some of the best stories are those when someone gets embarrassed...
The Most Embarrassing Moments
I was being dropped off at the movies when  I heard that everything wassold out. So I walked back to my moms Honda and hopped in. Little did I know that it was really some old mans car! He was just as surprised as I was!                                                                ~Henry, 16, Mass

I was swinging on the desks at school when all the sudden I fell back onto my back. Everyone in class got up from their chairs to see if I was alright, but I was just laughing hysterically. Not much later, I started farting too.
                                                       ~Jenny, 12, CANADA

When I was 14,  at the community pool, as I went to dive, my shorts fell off exposing everything. Unfortunately I didn't notice till much later, when I noticed my bathing suit floating around; and when major shrinkage was done to certain areas.
                                                       ~Daniel, 16, New York

As a kid, I placed a burning candle by the road, while my friend and I hid in the bushes. Cars would stop in the road to blow out the candle while my friend and I just laughed. That is until the police came!
                                                      ~Geert-Jan Paasschens, Netherlands

I was at a sleepover with my friends when someone dared me to falsh the next car coming down the road. It sounded alright to me because the host's parents were out renting us a movie. I went outside, and at the first sight of a car, I pulled down my pants and then lifted them back up. However the car began to turn into the host's driveway, and that was when I noticed that it was my friends parents. It was very hard to explain to them!
                                                      ~Alice, 16, NY
Do you have an embarrassing story, please share! Click on the cat below to send a moment!