So April 1st is over and gone, but that doesn't mean pranks can't be done!
Take an Oreo and remove the cream filling, replace with white toothpaste or some other white substance that is not too toxic.

Hide in a department store rack and stick your arms out at passers by.

Put Vaseline on someones's windsheild wipers, and then to get them to turn on the wipers, put a big glob on their windshield. They'll turn on the wipers to get rid of the glob and then... OH HELL!                                                                              

Rub candle wax on an important form that needs a signature. The peron having to sign it won't be able to figure out what happened to their pen.

Super glue a quarter to the sidewalk and make fun of the losers trying to pick it up.

Apply vaseline to your friend's or sibling's doorknob so they can't twist the doorknob or open the door.  ~Alex

Poor baby oil in your enemy's shampoo bottle.

Apply your enemy's name to an army recruitment center.

Go into a busy public bathroom stall and place a large bra over the door. Then start singing "Born to Be Wild".  ~Liz

Put icy-hot in your enemy's shampoo bottle, feel the burn!

Place red hot candies on someone sleeping's lips. They will wake up with blisters and all.

Buy a universal remote control. Go to a neighbors house and turn on  any irritating show, ex: PBS auction

Fill a bucket w/ hot water and dish soap, place the bucket in a phone booth. Throw some ice in the bucket and run. The soap will multiply.

Spread vaseline all over the toilet seat and wait for smoeone to go, they'll slip all around and maybe fall in the water.  ~Alex

Do you have some great pranks or practical jokes too?
Just click below to e-mail them to me:

Embarrassing Moments

Ancient Chinese Horoscope

Blonde Jokes

Rant of the MONTH

Stupid things Parents Do

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