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Intuitive Workbook

The PSYKID’s                             Intuitive Curriculum Workbook

copyright @ by Nancy Kimball Baumgarten & Llael Espaze Maffitt                                                 

Letter from a Mom with a 5 year old like Llael:                               

            “I would like to know if there are any schools                                     around which encourage children like Eryn."


Approaches to various situations  - Polls of your ideas

[ II. RESOURCES, LITERATURE                                                                      

[ III. ACTIVITIES                                                               
                     The PSYKID Curriculum Workbook

[ IV. GLOSSARY: Annotated Dictionary Definitions
              Please send us your favorite words for this community             chapter; be sure to list source of each definition .... and, if you wish, we will add your annotations (i.e. thoughts pro or con on the usefulness of the word as dictionary-defined in our current multi-D reality....and/or your suggestions for new words and new definitions for old ones).                                                                                                

                              I.  INTRODUCTION

           Nancy:  You know the african proverb:    it takes a whole village to raise a child?
             Right - well, I have been asked enough times now about what I've done (as a parent)  to get Llael to 'here'.   I've got to say that I definitely have not done it alone!
             The mentor system is wonderful for absolutely every person - and has been essential for Llael and me.  My personal feeling is that the consciousness on this planet is rising so dramatically from the past that we have a whole generation or two of parents who are in the position of raising children who are more spiritually aware than ourselves.  I can't imagine that this is the norm in most worlds.
              In any case, to meet that challenge I have definitely been reminded of the african proverb and have taken it to heart.  Llael's godmother has been wonderful support and deeply knowledgeable help in many times; another friend who experienced in her own life many of these extended abilities as a child herself has been a 'ready           reference guide'; former professors, etc, etc.  I have learned to ask, not hide. To be an advocate. To follow where Spirit leads and puts people in my footpath.
                        ..... and to READ --
              and we have chosen homeschooling for middle school - which many parents are now choosing for a variety of reasons - - but it seems to suit the psychic childs' specialized education needs perfectly.
             The three R's can still be met superbly at home, yet HISTORY can be all the more dramatic when a kid remembers living in Egypt; or it becomes more alive when he/she re-discovers another lifetime and the name "Bath" comes up - 'what on earth is that, Mom?' and I can bring out the atlas and find Bath, England for her.
             EARTH SCIENCES take on a whole new light when your kid has spoken to a person from the interior of Pluto.
              ....and what do you find to read to her when a multi-dimensional child talks about other realities as if that's the street your neighbor lives on ???
             Which physics book is going to even approach a helpful understanding of their inherent knowing?
             You know, this is all nothing new - there have been many psychics, channelers, spiritualists etc, in the past, though usually developed as adults, or not understood, or emotionally fragile, and ridiculed into the ground.
            AND there has been at least the last 30 years of awakening in both the 'alternative' community and in our professions slowly, and with a degree of scientific rigor.
              To me as a parent, what is NEW, is that these abilities are coming in small, small packages now!!
                These kids aren't here to play 'hurry-up-and-wait' games
 ~ ~ wait to get a relevant education - until they are 18, and out of school and can get access to philosophical concepts never seen inside a public school!
              So, here I am finding myself with the need to develop a curriculum for an inquiring mind, (but not the patience level) of materials that I didn't find to read myself until I was in my 20's.
              ...and even with a high reading-capacity kid - they still don't want to sit still for information that is intuitively so obvious, 'why are they still debating that, mom? Get over it, already!

              . . . you know, even for me, after 35 years inquiry, it gets rather boring to have to  read articles that start with the requisite apology, defense etc of what to us is now the obvious...

           So, the following  Workbook represents the up-to-date compilation of our favorite ways that Nancy and Llael have found to fully explore her world - - some are our own devising and many utilize published resources:   it is our intent to create a whole curriculum with syllabus.
              If any of you have suggestions to share we would appreciate your thoughts.  Our email is below  - THANKS

       Please e-mail Llaël at :

          or Nancy at:

                   (please put PSYKIDS at the beginning of the subject line)                                        Constance Free School
   Asheville, NC 28804

                             Update April 19, 1999

 Copyright 1999 Constance Free School, Asheville, NC                                                                                                       
