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Develop your Psi

  Communicating with Spirits -
Nancy:  When Llael is speaking the words from Mother of All I feel wonderfulness in the whole room.  She speaks with incredible precision at these times.

            Llael:  When Mother of All speaks to me she says it very slowly and doesn’t tell me the next word until my mother is ready to write it.  This is the way I can confirm that I am spaking to someone else.  For example, when she was starting off a sentence, she said, “ you can stare...” and for a moment I was thinking, “ What does she mean, ‘you can stare?  It doesn’t make any sense; maybe I am just talking to myself.”   When she continued though, it made sense, as in “you can stare into darkenss and see light.”

Seeing Auras
         Llael:    I realized that "seeing auras" was the name for  what I have always seen around people after I saw this aura photo taken of me when I was 7 years old: (Oct 11, 1992, at full moon in Atlanta)...                                                                           
               You can use your extended senses too!               Sanka wants to tell you that if you really want to do something,  anything, even seeing and talking to spirits, you can. 

             Just say to  Spirit,  “I would love to be able to do this, and I will only use it for the Good. “  You can "say" this in your head or outloud, just say it with the intent  that the universe will hear it.                                       



Please e-mail Llaël Espaze Maffitt:

or Llael’s mom, Nancy at:
Constance Free School
                                                               Asheville, North Carolina                                                                                                                                                                                                               
Update June, 1999
Copyright  1996-2000  Constance Free School
           You are welcome to copy individual parts, and please mention this source.

