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Enchanted Forest Intuitive Camp 

a safe and playful space to explore and refine intuitive knowing

Click here for the camp ‘99 page: Camp ‘99
        This is a grass-roots gathering for clairvoyant, clairaudient, clairsentient children and their parents.  We firmly believe that all humanity is endowed with the gift of intuition.  Many people are experiencing an awakening in their lives at this time.  This camp is designed for those families who find themselves raising children who express this new paradigm in human consciousness on a daily basis.

As many people know, there is not one perfect word for them, sooo, this camp is for clairsentient, clairaudient, clairvoyant, telepathic and telekinetic and psychic children,  the millenium children, indigo children, star children, and multidimensional children from the ages of 1-18 years old.

Last year (1999), camp was hosted by Nancy Baumgarten and her daughter Llael Maffitt in the mountains near Asheville North Carolina.
This year (2000), Dr. Tobin and Mary Hart with their daughters,  hosted the camp outside of Carrollton Georgia.


Kay Bruch , Ed.D. Gifted Education.
 - GENESA - a step-in geometric form to  pattern movements for balancing,  and activating
energy fields

Jenna Melissas, parent & Voice Instructor, Atlanta, GA    
- Voice release integration

Elizabeth Ur, a Sensitive to earth energies, Waynesville, NC 
- Faeries  Walk, Nature spirits

 Nancy Baumgarten, homeschool parent & sacred geometer, Asheville, NC
     - Experiences in Synesthesia

JayaDevi, Master Yoga teacher & Intuitive,
Atlanta, GA      
- Yoga & Knowing -

Tobin Hart, PhD. parent & transpersonal psychology  professor, Carrollton, GA.
     - Deep empathy -

Frances Fox - Master Intuitive and
Diagnostician, Florida  (www.FrancesFox.com)
 - Intuitive Energetics & Healing

Mary Hart, M.S. parent, body worker & gifted education specialist,
   Yanttay Mott, septagenarian Intuitive, channel
  - Roundtable parent discussion

Llael Maffitt (www.psykids.net), Meghan Castonqauy - Intuitive Teens
 - Roundtable children's discussion

 Activities we had:

Exploring bio and neurofeedback
Discussion groups - pertinent issues for support,schooling, on angels, faeries, spirits,  astral travel, auras, healing, energy fields, dowsing,  etc.
Pool time, games, wade the river, paddle the pond!
Create a   “CAMP  Yearbook”  art,  writing,  add to your own journal

For more information or
to be added to mailing list for future events,

or to join email support group:

Nancy K. Baumgarten, MLA
a  parent & designer of  www.psykids.net

Tobin Hart, PhD.  &  Mary Hart, M.S.
parents and transpersonal educators

