The following samples are quick take-out's from my Spiritual Journal that Sanka thought would be a good way to start to share.
Let us know about YOU, too. The
point here is: for the parents to can get an idea that their kids are really knowing what they are talking about and to be aware that the information from the younger ones comes in the most ordinary daily
For the kids: a reminder in case you have forgotten, of the some of the types of things you may have experienced earlier and forgotten ... to make your own journal:
** If
you do not have your own homepage, we would be happy to make you a page for your journal here - just email us! **
I have no idea when I first knew I had a different skill than other people, but I think it was before I went to school. I don't
think that I'm that different from my friends. Anybody can talk to and see spirits if that's what they really want to do.
I have many experiences involving spirits, animal spirits
and physical animals, and a few that have really stuck with me - this following one is a simultaneous reality experience:
I had just turned five; literally it was the evening of my
birthday. I do remember being on the floor in the kitchen, in my Mom's arms, just crying and yelling something like, "they're
drowning, they're drowning," over and over. I was incredibly upset and feeling very helpless.
What I saw in my head was a lake in a field with
evergreens way behind the lake in the direction I was facing. My mom asked me if there was anything beside the lake I could get them out with, like a tree branch.
I don't remember answering her at all. But I noticed a
tree beside the lake and ran to it, climbed up it a little bit, bent it over and got them out. I then said something to the effect of: I got them out, or they're safe...and I took a large sigh.
That night, I had an extremely high fever and the next few days, I spent sleeping at preschool until my godmother sent us a
double refracted calcite that mom says was used on my third eye to rebalance my Self in the eternal moment of Now.
I don't think my "abilities" have ever once been
annoying or have I wished I never had them. One thing I have noticed, I don't think this is bad or good, it just is', is that I feel somehow more mature, I guess from being around adults a lot since
they are the one's who are interested and who I share with. Of course I'm not only around adults; I play with my kid friends too.
I am interested in psychology and the brain; I think it's
fascinating how it works. I am also interested in physics.
Ever since I've been very very little, I have been thinking
about ways to make this world work better; how to get enough food to the children in Africa, or homes for everyone here in the US.
1/88 Age: 2yrs 10 mo.
Llaël woke me (Mom Nancy) up in the middle of the night to tell me, "Mommy, two people with no feet are standing in the doorway (to our bedroom)." I told her to
say hello and ask them what they needed.
8/4/88 Age: 3 1/2. While bouncing on the
mini-trampoline, "Before I was on this planet, I was very far away - and I
died at age 5. There were people everywhere all around me and
the woman told me to go to the back and sit down, but there
wasn't much room to sit down with the others." [plane, ship?]
2/89 Age: 4yrs. "You're not my Mommy, I come from
a planet that has two suns."
9/89 Age 4 1/2 yrs. "Oh, I saw a little elf in the front
yard when we had been playing hide-and-seek." He was throwing candy out across the front yard from the dogwood tree that the kids love to climb in.
2/92 Age: 7 yrs old. In another planet where I used to
live, the food was called ATUS. When we cut it to eat it, another would grow up in its place. When we squeezed the leaves on the
trees we get the water. We had three moons. Our enemy broke the eating process so that the ATUS didn't regrow. When it was all
gone, our enemy made a fire. It broke a hole in our planet. My Mom did not survive.
My Dad fell into a different planet than I did (because of the hole, some people survived).
5/92 At the Hilton at a Star Trek convention, looked
over to the distant trees where there was a boy sitting in a tree (in spirit form) who had on a yellow top, short sleeves, no buttons and blue pants, no zipper (elastic). He had brown hair and white skin
and was about 6 years old and short of stature. He said to Llaël, "You're lucky."
3/93 Age: 8 yrs. Dancing and singing to Wings to My
Heart', “Llaël what are you reaching for?" She says, "He's here to dance with us," and wiggles out of my arms, and tells me to dance in a circle with them ( group of indians).
4/93 With a fever Llaël comes running in, saying little
devils are after her, & after reminding her to declare her intent (NO, you may not be here) so they went away, she said, "but I can't get
back in [my body]; every time I try to get close, I pop back up [to the ceiling]." I pat her back and ask her, "Do you see your silver cord
from your body to you?" "Yes, but it's blue and it's dirty." "Well then, let's clean it up." "How do I do that?" "Just visualize it and
breathe it into becoming a clear beautiful blue."
9/93 Age: 8 ½ yrs. At the Metropolitan Museum of Art in
New York, "Mom, every time I go through that (medieval) archway I feel like an adult scientist and I am wearing long robes."
2/94 Age: 9 yrs. Llaël: I hair line-fractured my right wrist.
We went out and got a brace on my wrist. My mom asked us to both do some thought healing The way I visualized it was wonderfully colored energy streaming down my arm to my wrist and
then going out my finger tips, each time a different pattern. Such as: dots, short lines, tubes, long lines, and other shapes too. I repeated that each night. It was fully healed in 10 days, we asked a good
friend (an R.P.N.) how long it usually takes. She said for a hair-lined fractured wrist it usually takes 6 weeks! That was when I really learned the power of thought.
12/94 Llaël: In a new song that I hadn't heard before
which was called "Perhaps Love", all the little angelsthat loved each other paired up and twirled down the sides of Eric Bergland's harp
together. They were surprisingly small. They were the smallest I had ever seen - about 2-1/2 to 3 inches tall
6/13/95 Visiting my Dad in Paris. At the Notre Dame,
I felt like I knew what every place in it was for, like where the crazy people were put and where the crazy people relatives went to pray for them. I knew where the children's rooms were. The children would grow up there, and once they were 13 they could decide if they wanted to
stay with this religion (a way of doing something) and Cathedral, or go to a different Cathedral. The altar box has a very special
substance in it. I felt at home. Every piece of information came at the same time, so I was being very quiet to piece everything out.
3/23/96 - asked Sanka for clarification of
time-frame re: Notre Dame: LLAEL: She said she couldn't tell us - that I would
know why in about 10 years or so. We figured out that some of the information is about the future use of the building - so we confirmed that with Sanka and she let me know a lot more details. We finally
figured out that what I was seeing at the Notre Dame was actually a different building that had been on this same site before Jesus was born. The Notre Dame was at one time, very secretive of the outer
world because they had such a good system going for a community. If the outer world got to know, something would happen, which it did. There was a scribe that took a tablet out from the pre-Notre
Dame building and somehow or another someone got a hold of that and a side of the building did get destroyed. All the people got killed except the one scribe who was out of the building.
The substance in the altar box is practically invisible to
people who cannot see spirits but it is a physical substance. It is like a mummifying substance so that when they wrote the manuscript, people today could still be able to read it, otherwise it would have
disintegrated. (Not the same as the Egyptians process). But everybody back then in the pre-Notre Dame era
could see spirits. If you stick your hand in the box you feel this substance around your hand. Also if you take the manuscript, carved in stone, there is a place in the current physical Notre Dame
Cathedral where this manuscript will fit in it- perfect fit. And once that goes in there, it make the whole Notre Dame beam up -- it's an energy source.
If we could open the box today, and put the stone tablet
in the right spot, we could power the whole world today. And right in front of you once you put it in, it projects all the Enlightened Beings, like Buddha and Jesus who have ever been on this planet.
BUT, the altar box can not be opened, it has slowly sealed itself shut entirely. It will only be opened by an Enlightened Being who returns after the earth changes, who will hand the tablet to a regular
person to put in place. The scribe long ago had to be sure that generations after
him would keep the inner box with the tablet safe until a building was built over this spot (he knew from being psychic) and on the tablet are words to find the right spot in the building that a descendant had
to sneak into the construction of the Notre Dame...)
7/8/97 My grandmother transitions out. Nancy: 5 hours
after Mom (Llael's grandmother) transitioned out, while I was mundanely packing the car, Mom was seen by Llael in the beautiful blue sky of the midmorning sun, surrounded by so much bright
light that she could hardly see her face, and then Llael saw Yanttay's Higher Self come up next to her. "Dearie said, thanks for reading
the Tibetan Bardo to me, I needed to know that." Later in the month, Llael also sees Mom who visited our house several times with Joy in her heart.
3/23/98 Celentien visits at breakfast. I was reading
Golden Dolphin Society Newletter , section "Time to get Started" and I was wondering at the same time, if my talking to dolphins and
spirits was made up or if I was really hearing correctly. I saw a tall figure beside me all of a sudden, and then felt my head just slowly
starting to rise up from the paper, I couldn't stop it until it was straight up and he/she was then in front of me, about 7' tall.
Celentien told me his/her name (no gender) and said, "
this is how you should sit when you are communicating; and be sure to breathe alot and deeply." Celentien also said that it is easier to
communicate when you can see the entity. I so easily spoke with Celentien that I should just trust my feelings when they're talking about something more serious beause it's just the same.
I saw all these animals appear in the air up around him.
They would like to speak (crowding for position as they did in our doorway a few years ago.)
Celentien will be my guide in having a clear channel and will help with that if I choose.
I had the feeling/thought that its very important that the
information that I receive get distributed, because there are not so many of us who are old enough to get this information out.
And Celentien has already met Eryn (a 4 year old with
abilities like myself whose mother just found our web site). Celentien makes sure that Eryn is protected and that all that she receives is clear also and that it is very urgent that Eryn and I get together.
Then my head started going up even further until I was looking out the high clearstory windows and I saw Celentien flying
through the branches up into the sky - with a whole lot more flexibility than a human body.
Sanka added that what I had just interpreted as trees in
this physical, had actually been trees in a sort of astral plane that I was seeing through to. She also adds that Celentien is very skilled in moving things within this world and that it was she/he who pushed
Eryn safely back up the stairwell when she was a baby.
April 1998 Interface Photography(PIP):
We did get to work with B.K.Wee and his wonderful
wife, Valerie, who are physiotherapists in Singapore. They have incorporated the research work of Harry Oldfield of England into their practice which is a software driven program that allows the
human aura to be seen on the computer from video camera input.
We found out that of the many psychics who have been
used to calibrate the software all seem to have their own "color palette" , but the patterns of what they see on any given person will be the same as others and the PIP.
April 1998 Sacred Sites
In Thailand, we went to several Buddhist Temples and shrines that were fascinating.
However, all 5 of us, including Llael's half brother David
who is 9, felt the most wonderfully reverent energy at the site of the ancient royal palace in their previous captial City of Ayutthaya. AT the entrance there were three tower-shaped shrines to
three of their kings of the past. David saw green around the center chedi and Llael was able to tell us all that the energy spiraled upwards on the green central one and
spiraled down into the ground on the blue left most one and circled around the right pink one.
I (Nancy) have been studying Sacred Geometry for two years quite regularly and have been interested for years in
the work of Dr. Phil Callahan who has researched the paramagnetic qualities of stone such as was used to build the round towers of Ireland and the pyramids. These
Chedi would seem to be of the same structure of
Please e-mail Llaël Espaze Maffitt: galacticgirl@geocities.com
or Llael’s mom, Nancy at: nancyb@buncombe.main.nc.us Constance Free School
Asheville, North Carolina
Update June, 1999 Copyright 1996-2000 Constance Free School You are welcome to copy individual parts, and please mention this source.