Katydid's Poetry Page

Katydid's Poetry Links

Cara's Poetry Cove

Passions in Poetry

Sara Teasdale My co-favorite poet

William Butler Yeats My other co-favorite poet

Emily Dickinson


Sylvia Plath

Irish Poetry

The Poets' Corner

Nautical Poetry

Sea Life

Modern American Poets

Representative Poetry Online, a database of over 2,000 English poems
early medieval period to the beginning of the 20th century

Classical Poetry


The Academy of American Poets site Poets.Org

Robert Frost

Poetry Today Online

Feeling adventurous? Try out the Interactive Poetry Site

There are numerous poetic offerings here on the net
Below are a few of my favorites:

Robert E. Kogan

Tom Williams

Don Campbell

Jerry King

Wally Richard

There's some outstanding miscellaneous poetry here

And for those of you who are hopeless romantics (like me)
here's a vast selection of love poetry:

Love Poetry.com

Love in the Arts

WebPost: Love Poems

key west music movie readings
sports holiday irish
friends true love misc. patriotic photos