I am fascinated by things pertaining to Native American culture
Comprehensive Page on Native Americans
Native American Indian Resources
Also anything relating to the Legend of King Arthur
This is a fabulous page on Arthur, the Knights, the Holy Grail and much more!
Check this out! Seti At Home Project
Some great links for recipes
I am a huge fan of Monty Python!!!
The Duct Tape Art Gallery and other goodies
Don't forget the Duct Tape Fashion Page!
And boy howdy, if you REALLY REALLY REALLY have too much time on your hands,
why not join one of the many Online Duct Tape Clubs? (Unfortunately, I'm serious about this)
The Kama Sutra of Pooh ACK!!! Who Knew????
Guys, you never know when this will come in handy
Johan's Guide to Aphrodisiacs
Wanting to waste time aimlessly? Try The World's Best Bubble Wrap Page
The Exploding Whale video...Trust me, you gotta see this!:)
You'll never go out to the movies again once you see Stick Death:)
Don't ask--just go here The Dull Men's Club
My zodiac sign is Gemini, the Twins Check yours out too
Check out Cool Archive for some neat stuff for your webpage