This was me, my boss and the organist at church in December, 1997
This is what I looked like in December 1978
Mother's Day 2000 Holly was 8 months pregnant
Taken 7/28/01 - This guy just wouldn't quit "bugging" me
This was Holly dressed up for her Christmas Concert on December 13, 1998
Holly: Marching Band 1998-99 season
Holly and her boyfriend, Aaron,
February 13, 1999
Prom Day May 1, 1999
Prom shot #3 Holly, teaching her date to dance:)
Holly and Aaron March 1999
OK, one more of them I'm stopping, I promise
Holly became Mrs. Aaron Baggett on December 4, 1999
Holly and Johna at Holly's wedding
Holly and Rachel May 99
Jeremy's 1997 Football Picture
This was the first day Jeremy got his school jacket:)
Jeremy in his mini-sprint car. He hopes to begin racing Summer 1999.
Jeremy, June 1998 First paycheck
Jeremy, showing off his muscle
Jeremy with his girlfriend, Megan
Grammy's little angel
Hailey and Grammy Katy at her church dedication, August 27, 2000
Hailey and I again, same day
Aunt Johna holding Hailey
The whole crew
Hailey, 9-14-00
Looking decidedly sneaky
Doing her Elvis sneer
This is one GORGEOUS baby!
I'm ready for my closeup, Mr. DeMille
Look at those adorable Sweet cheeks
Grammy's little charmer
These next 8 pics were all taken on 10/29/00:
Not exactly camera shy:)
Devouring those yummy fists
The next group were taken May 18, 2001:
Aaron and Hailey
Just up from her nap
I mean, WAY cool
She blew out her candle all by herself!
Uncle Jeremy holds the birthday girl
Uncle Jeremy and Dad the Ultimate Birthday Party Animals
Yes, I think I will have cake
This is me and my brother, Randy whom I just met in May, 1998 (ask me about to tell you this story:)
Holly and Jeremy goofing off:)
My favorite picture of Holly and Jeremy February 7, 1999
Holly and I in May 1998 Cheesecaking
Holly, Jeremy, Johna and Jade Christmas 1999