So far this web site is just a cool place for me to visit, kinda like a collection of bookmarks that I can access from just about anywhere) This is a link that you can use to drop me a line and inform me of what to do to make this place worth visiting.

Some of the more recent additions have been:

  1. I added a boarding page .
  2. I added a R/C page .
  3. I added a Car page .
  4. I updated my Music Page , and list of Favorite Bands , and added a guitar page.
  5. I updated my wish list , CD wish list , and DVD list to reflect current purchases and Christmas presents.
  6. Eliminated a redundant page (funny that those even crop up)
  7. Added a link to my gun page at the bottom of all main pages
  8. Retouched my gun page and added a few new photo's
  9. Cleaned up the main page .
Now, onto some things that I plan on adding.
  1. I will stop making lists, and start doing the things that are in those lists.
  2. I will add my wakeskate to my boarding page.
  3. I will update my sports page.
  4. And finally, I'm going to put some audio on this thing! (uuhhhh...... , maybe, but not much for now)

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