Adam's very cool Star Wars page.

HOLY CRAP! We finally have Episode 1 on DVD!
Thank you George!
The new scenes are excellent. I love the new footage from the podrace.

(Hit 'Reload' to see the Probot again (11K))

Star Wars on DVD--- The petition to get StarWars on DVD worked!!!!!---Star Wars on DVD
LucasFilm has announced that they will support DVD for ALL FILMS! Episode's IV-VI will be released after episodes I-III are out.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of new Star Wars pages, and a lot of those authors have apparently much more free time on their hands than I do, so I wont try to compete with them. I've been a TrueFan since about the age of four (1977), and will continue to follow this far away galaxy until I finally catch up with it.
And now we have Episode One!

Theatrical poster

And here are the clips from the teaser...

A venerable Jedi KnightObiWan

A young queenPalace

MaulEpisode One

Soon we will have Episode II. Follow this link to get more info.

Now, here are some of my favorite pictures that I've been given personally from George Lucas... (actually I ripped them off from other peoples web pages, but who hasn't?)

  • Here is a cool painting of Yoda (70K)
  • A rare pic of Vader laughing (7K)
  • Vader not laughing (19K)
  • Luke and daddy (19K)
  • The Battle of Endor (view from Falcon (22K))
  • Jabba in better shape (23K)
  • A cool Ralph McQuarrie pre production painting of Luke and Darth Vader (29K)
  • An ASCII drawing of Darth Vader.
  • The coolest AT-AT picture ever! (20K)
  • The next-to-coolest AT-AT pic. (11K)



    Light Saber

    Just a small assortment of Star Wars pages...

  • George's (Lucas) own page The official site at least
  • Troops!!! Official page, and the site kind enough to host it:
  • The Prequel watch web site
  • CNN presents - STAR WARS: Classic Clips
  • Star Wars Home Page at UPENN
  • Star Wars Multimedia Page (UPENN)



    STAR WARS and all likeness' (C)1977, 2000 Lucasfilm Ltd.

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