Adam's Favorite Games

Rainbow Six and Rogue Spear! The mere mention of those words together excites me.
Once you have them, go play for free on MSN Gaming Zone.

The coolest Shockwave game ever is no longer there! Virtual Cow Tipping!!!!!!! was my favorite.
Make sure you have Shockwave Not really a game in itself, but games can be made and played with Shockwave. Go here to get other important software.

 GET STARCRAFT!!!!! It is way too much fun. I'm not kidding, you may hurt yourself from all the fun.

Make sure to visit my Diablo page! Most likely the biggest game since the Doom series!

I used to play alot of Quake! The successor to the Doom series. Lately I play more realistic games like Rogue Spear.

And now the BEST online game, Xwing vs. Tie Fighter! It has it all: native internet multiplayer support (like Diablo), combat dogfighting without the annoying pull of a planets gravity, and the essence of the Star Wars universe whispering to you from every laser blast!

  • Rage Software has taken over EF2000, and the coming sequel: Typhoon!
  • Welcome to FlightSim.Com a decent site.
  • Do you often reminis of the old arcade games no longer to be found? Would you eagerly pump large numbers of quarters into your favorite old school skipping activity? Well, if you have a PC, and at least as much spare time as you had as a kid, then these next two links are for you! These sites have game emulators of your (and my) favorite old arcade games! What they have done is read the old ROM (Read Only Memory) chips from the ACTUAL arcade machines, and written emulators (so your PC can use them) for you to use. These are the exact games you used to play, and even startup just like the old machines did. And, the best part about it is: everything is FREE! Not even shareware! Enjoy!
    Sad News, Atmospherical Heights is shutting down. This was my favorite emulation page, and had enough resources to keep me from needing to ever go elsewhere. All that is left on the site is an explanation of why it's been shut down.

    Luckily Archaic Ruins is still up and running.

    I strongly suggest getting M.A.M.E. It has the widest support, and will play more games than any other emulator. I personally use M.A.M.E. and Mame/W by Jeff Miller, a great windows front-end for M.A.M.E.

  • Blizzard's web site I STRONGLY suggest getting Diablo and DiabloII (and play FREE on! I need to also suggest getting Starcraft! This is one of my most recent distractions from reality.
  • Another recommendation is Quake Visit ID Software's web site.
  • By the way, many of these sites have MUCH better game link pages of course. Be sure to visit them.

    Be sure to read the natural laws governing combat aviation and combat flight sims (EF2000 inspired).

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