DVD's are cool!
Other things that I want
CD's I want
These are some of the DVD movies that I am looking to buy. Some of them
haven't been released, but I want them in my collection as soon as they
go on sale. My preferences for DVD movies are:
Widescreen (16x9)
DTS or Dolby digital audio in 5.1 format
any special edition, directors cut, or special version of the film
First the movies that I already have.
The 5th Element
Adam Sandler, Best of SNL
Armageddon (Criterion Edition)
Big Daddy
- Blackhawk Down
Clear And Present Danger
- Diablo II (The DVD that came with the Collectors Edition Game)
- Dido - Here With Me (DVD Video Single)
- Enemy At The Gates
Galaxy Quest
- Gone In 60 Seconds (1974)
- Gone In 60 Seconds (2000)
Happy Gilmore
- Harvey
- The Hunt For Red October
The Matrix
Metropolis (1926)
Monty Python's Flying Circus - Disks 7 & 8
Monty Python And The Holy Grail (Special Edition)
- MuDvAyNe - Dig
- Patriot Games
The Professional
- Red Dawn
- Red Planet
- Rush - Chronicles: The DVD Collection
Saving Private Ryan
- Scrooged
The Shawshank Redemption
- Sixteen Candles
- Snatch
- South Park Volume 5
Stargate - Special Edition
- Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace
Stevie Ray Vaughan & Double Trouble- Live From Austin Texas, A Tribute
To Stevie Ray Vaughan, Live At The El Macambo
Suicide Kings
- Swordfish
Terminator II
Toy Story I-II
- Unbreakable
The Waterboy
- World's Most Daring Robberies
- Young Guns
These first movies are the ones that I want the most. After these
first few, they are in alphabetical order for convenience. An asterisk
(*) means that I haven't seen this movie, and am considering purchasing
them on recommendation.
- Star Wars Episodes IV-VI (not on DVD yet)
Stevie Ray Vaughan - Pride And Joy (not on DVD yet, but I want it still)
The Ghost And The Darkness
- Terminator I
The Indiana Jones Trilogy (not on DVD yet)
Men In Black
Independence Day
The Abyss
The Adventures Of Buckaroo Banzai
The Alien Series (I,III,IV)
American Flyers
Apollo 13
Austin Powers I-II
Bad Boys
Batman (Michael Keaton)
Better Off Dead
Billy Madison
The Black Hole
Bridge On The River Kwai
The Burbs
A Christmas Story
Dances With Wolves
Die Hard I-III
Dune: Collector's Edition
The Eagles: Hell Freezes Over (DTS DVD)
Empire Of The Sun
Ferris Bueller's Day Off
Full Metal Jacket
The Great Escape
Gross Point Blank
*Led Zepplin: The Song Remains The Same
Lost In Space (1998?)
Maverick (Mel Gibson)
Memphis Belle
Point Break
The Princess Bride
The Rock
Romeo & Juliet (1998)
The Simpsons Episodes
Spies Like Us
Star Trek I-VIII
Starship Troopers
U2: Rattle And Hum
The Usual Suspects
What About Bob?
*All Quiet On The Western Front
These movies I want, but not as much as the above movies.
*Citizen Kane
*Das Boot
*The Day After
*The Day The Earth Stood Still
*Deer Hunter
The Final Countdown
The Outsiders
*From The Earth To The Moon
*The Peacemaker
*The Ref
*Shogun (TV miniseries)