DVD's are cool!

Other things that I want
CD's I want

These are some of the DVD movies that I am looking to buy. Some of them haven't been released, but I want them in my collection as soon as they go on sale. My preferences for DVD movies are:

  1. Widescreen (16x9)
  2. DTS or Dolby digital audio in 5.1 format
  3. any special edition, directors cut, or special version of the film

First the movies that I already have.

  1. The 5th Element
  2. Adam Sandler, Best of SNL
  3. Aliens
  4. Armageddon (Criterion Edition)
  5. Big Daddy
  6. Blackhawk Down
  7. Braveheart
  8. Clear And Present Danger
  9. Diablo II (The DVD that came with the Collectors Edition Game)
  10. Dido - Here With Me (DVD Video Single)
  11. Enemy At The Gates
  12. Galaxy Quest
  13. Gladiator
  14. Gone In 60 Seconds (1974)
  15. Gone In 60 Seconds (2000)
  16. Happy Gilmore
  17. Harvey
  18. Highlander
  19. The Hunt For Red October
  20. The Matrix
  21. Metropolis (1926)
  22. Monty Python's Flying Circus - Disks 7 & 8
  23. Monty Python And The Holy Grail (Special Edition)
  24. MuDvAyNe - Dig
  25. Patriot Games
  26. Payback
  27. The Professional
  28. Red Dawn
  29. Red Planet
  30. Ronin
  31. Rush - Chronicles: The DVD Collection
  32. Saving Private Ryan
  33. Scrooged
  34. The Shawshank Redemption
  35. Singles
  36. Sixteen Candles
  37. Snatch
  38. South Park Volume 5
  39. Stargate - Special Edition
  40. Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace
  41. Stevie Ray Vaughan & Double Trouble- Live From Austin Texas, A Tribute To Stevie Ray Vaughan, Live At The El Macambo
  42. Suicide Kings
  43. Swordfish
  44. Terminator II
  45. Toy Story I-II
  46. Unbreakable
  47. The Waterboy
  48. World's Most Daring Robberies
  49. X-Men
  50. Young Guns
These first movies are the ones that I want the most. After these first few, they are in alphabetical order for convenience. An asterisk (*) means that I haven't seen this movie, and am considering purchasing them on recommendation.
  1. Star Wars Episodes IV-VI (not on DVD yet)
  2. Stevie Ray Vaughan - Pride And Joy (not on DVD yet, but I want it still)
  3. The Ghost And The Darkness
  4. Terminator I
  5. The Indiana Jones Trilogy (not on DVD yet)
  6. Men In Black
  7. Independence Day
The Abyss
The Adventures Of Buckaroo Banzai
The Alien Series (I,III,IV)
American Flyers
Apollo 13
Austin Powers I-II
Bad Boys
Batman (Michael Keaton)
Better Off Dead
Billy Madison
The Black Hole
Bridge On The River Kwai
The Burbs
A Christmas Story
Dances With Wolves
Die Hard I-III
Dune: Collector's Edition
The Eagles: Hell Freezes Over (DTS DVD)
Empire Of The Sun
Ferris Bueller's Day Off
Full Metal Jacket
The Great Escape
Gross Point Blank
*Led Zepplin: The Song Remains The Same
Lost In Space (1998?)
Maverick (Mel Gibson)
Memphis Belle
Point Break
The Princess Bride
The Rock
Romeo & Juliet (1998)
The Simpsons Episodes
Spies Like Us
Star Trek I-VIII
Starship Troopers
U2: Rattle And Hum
The Usual Suspects
What About Bob?
*All Quiet On The Western Front

These movies I want, but not as much as the above movies.

*Citizen Kane
*Das Boot
*The Day After
*The Day The Earth Stood Still
*Deer Hunter
The Final Countdown
The Outsiders
*From The Earth To The Moon
*The Peacemaker
*The Ref
*Shogun (TV miniseries)