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Zero Population Growth (ZPG)
- Concerns with the impacts of rapid population growth and wasteful consumption. Includes a quiz and frequently asked questions on population. Estimates the world's population.
Population Council
- Aims to improve wellbeing and reproductive health. Analyse population issues and trends, and conducts research on new contraceptives.
International Planned Parenthood Federation
- Provides reproductive and family planning services. Links family planning associations in more than 150 countries.
United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)
- The largest internationally funded source of population assistance to developing countries. Assists developing countries to improve reproductive health and family planning services.
Scalabrini Migration Center
- The Scalabrini Migration Center (SMC) is a research institute
based in Quezon City, Philippines. SMC is dedicated to encourage and facilitate the study of socio-demographic, economic, political, psychological, historical, legislative
and religious aspects of human migration and refugee movements from and within Asia.
People & the Planet
- A magazine on population issues. Selected articles available, mostly on Third World Countries like India, Bangladesh and African countries.
Asia-Pacific Population Journal
- Provides abstracts for articles in the last 8 issues. Covers Asia-Pacific countries like Pakistan, Bangladesh, Thailand and China.
Population and Development Review
- Provides abstracts on current issue. Also has index and search facility.
American Demographics
- Magazine for business. Provides information on segments of population to businesses that want to market their products.
Population Index
- A database on articles and books on population. Can search articles by author, subject, geographical region and/or year.
Virtual Library on Demography and Population
- Has links to about every site there is on population studies and demography.
Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
- A quarterly refereed journal by the Scalabrini Migration Center. It is the only academic journal entirely devoted to the
study of Asian Migration.
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- Has 48 faculty fellows from 17 departments. Areas of research are Wake, Durham an Orange Counties of North Carolina, Northwest Kenya, the American Midwest, Cebu Island and Northeast Thailand.
Princeton University
- Oldest population research center in the US. Offers PhD degree in demography, either on its own or jointly with economics, sociology or public affairs. Reseach areas include aging, the environment, fertility, mortality, marriage and family, and migration.
University of Pennsylvania
- Offers M.A. and PhD in demography, or Doctor of Philosophy in economics and sociology with concentration in population. Research areas include Africa and Asia.
Florida State University
- Offers Masters of Science in Demography. Specialises in population of Florida.
East-West Center Program on Population, Hawaii
- Research on population change, economic growth, health and gender and family issues.
Australian National University
- One of Australia's top research universities. Has a large number of staff on demography.
University of Exeter
- Offers MA and PhD in Applied Population Research and MA in Family Planning Programme Management. Research activities include contraceptive technology, sexual and reproductive behaviour, and family planning.
London School of Economics
- Offers MSc in Demography and MSc in Population and Development.
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
- Offers the M.Sc. in Medical Demography. Research on Britain is on demography and health. Research in other countries on reproductive health.