What Is Population?

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Field of population

Fertility, mortality and migration

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Population here refers not to the population of rabbits or mice or any other animals but to human population. Humans in large numbers constitute a population. We can study the population within towns, cities, states, countries, a group of countries or continents. The study of population is important because a large number of people affect a lot of factors. The government wants to know whether there is enough food, jobs and houses for every one in the country. Recently, there has been a lot of discussion about the effects of increasing population on the environment.

[Thomas Malthus]
Thomas Malthus
The first person who studied population was Robert Malthus. He was an 18th century preacher who said that population increases geometrically, but food production increases arithmetically. In the end he said, there will not be enough food for everybody and everybody will die. The fact that you're now reading this shows that his prediction was wrong. The reason is, modern technology has produced a higher yield for crops, which is enough for everybody.

[Poster on one-child policy in China]
Poster advocating one-child policy in China