Guide To Contraception

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 Combined Pill
Less than 1 to 7 women in 100 will get pregnant in a year
Contains two hormones - oestrogen and progestogen - which stop a woman releasing an egg each month (ovulation)
Advantages Disadvantages
Does not interrupt sex.
Often reduces bleeding, period pain and pre-menstrual tension.
Protects against cancer of the ovary and womb and some pelvic infections.
May not be suitable for some women.
May be temporary minor side-effects.
 Progestogen-only pill
Less than 1 to 4 women in 100 will get pregnant in a year
The hormone progestogen causes changes making it difficult for sperm to enter womb or for womb to accept fertilized egg
Advantages Disadvantages
Does not interrupt sex.
Can be used when breastfeeding.
May be temporary minor side-effects.
Periods may be irregular.
 Injectable contraceptive
Less than 1 woman in 100 will get pregnant in a year
Releases progestogen very slowly into the body
Advantages Disadvantages
Does not interrupt sex.
An injection lasts 2 to 3 months.
Periods often become irregular or stop.
Regular periods may take a year to return to normal.
 IUD (Intrauterine Device)
Less than 1 to 2 women in 100 will get pregnant in a year.
A small plastic and copper device is put into the womb. It prevents sperm from meeting the egg.
Advantages Disadvantages
Does not interrupt sex.
Works as soon as it is put in.
Can stay in for a minimum of five years.
Periods may be heavier or longer.
Unsuitable for women who have a heavy and painful periods.
 Male Condom
2 to 15 women in 100 will get pregnant in a year.
Made of thin rubber. Prevents sperm from entering the woman's vagina.
Advantages Disadvantages
Sold widely.
May protect both partners from sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV.
Can interrupt sex.
May slip off or split if not used correctly.
 Female Condom
Suggests it is as effective as the male condom.
A soft polyurethane sheath lines the vagina. Prevents sperm from entering the vagina.
Advantages Disadvantages
Can be put in any time before sex.
May protect boths partners from sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV.
Can interrrupt sex.
May slip.
 Diaphragm or Cap with Spermicide
2 to 15 women in 100 will get pregnant each year.
A flexible rubber device used with spermicide is put into the vagina to cover the cervix. Must stay in for at least six hours after sex.
Advantages Disadvantages
Can be put in any time before sex. Can interrupt sex.
Extra spermicide is needed if you have sex again.
 Natural Methods
2 to 20 women in 100 will get pregnant in a year.
A woman keeps a daily record of her body temperature, changes in cervical mucus and other signs of ovulation. These tell her when she is most fertile and should avoid having sex.
Advantages Disadvantages
No side effects.
No mechanical devices or hormones needed.
Can plan for a pregnancy.
Women with irregular periods and after childbirth may find this method difficult.
Daily record keeping needed.
9 to 25 women in 100 will get pregnant in a year.
A soft round sponge containing spermicide is put into the vagina before sex to cover the cervix.
Must stay in for 6 hours after sex.
Advantages Disadvantages
Works for 24 hours after insertion.
Suitable for those with reduced fertility - near menopause or breastfeeding.
Expensive and unreliable.
Should not be used during a period.
 Female Sterilisation
Failure rate can be 1 to 3 in 1000.
The fallopian tubes are cut or blocked so the eggs cannot travel down them to meet the sperm.
Advantages Disadvantages
Very effective.
Rarely the tubes rejoin and the woman is fertile again.
 Male Sterilisation (Vasectomy)
Failure rate is about 1 in 1000.
The tubes carrying the sperms are blocked.
Advantages Disadvantages
Very effective.
Operations takes 10-15 minutes only.
Takes a few months for the sperms to disappear.
Contraception must be used in this time.