_TreSSpaSS In0vationS_
- there are very few things i can actually lose -
- for there are very few things i can actually possess -


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09/03/99 - Heres another article on about the nuclear-power industry being "ill-prepared" for the Y2K problem.  Lets just hope we don't get no meltdowns ;), cause I'd like to spend New Years out partying and no 60ft underground in some concreate bunker.  Maybe I am being a little naive but you never know. Remember what good old Nostredamous said.   Click here for the story.

09/03/99 - Georgi Guninski of Bulgaria, discovered a Javascript security flaw last month in the netscape browsers, which allows contents of your hard drive to be read.  Netscape have just annocunced plans to fix this bug.   Click here to read the story and here to see Guninskis example.

08/03/99 - Rhino9 have issued a advisory to a Vulnetabilty in AOL server 2.2, I ain't gonna comment on it, but you may wanna read it.  Click here.

05/03/99 - I just finished writing the HTML tutorial and have just uploaded it, so go check it out if you are stuck with html.  Follow the link to Tutorials & Games and then click html tutorial.   I am gonna start on the networking paper again some time next week, when i can motivate my self to do it :>.  Have fun!!

05/03/99 - The millenium bug may stop all of the Ukraines Nuclear plants simultaneously according to Serhiy Parashin, head of the Energy and Information Research center.  Whos knows what this means - no power for russia for a while or full blown Nuclear meltdown and if engulfs the hole world with radioactivity - remember nostradamus and his end of the world prediction - UT OH.  More on the story here.

05/03/99 - Pentagon officials have told ABCNEWS that their military computer systems are being subjected to ongoing, sophisticated and organized cyber attacks.  They belive the attacks to be coming from Russia but have stated that no classified networks have been breached.   More herehere and here.

05/03/99 - Bigfoot users get a nice suprise!!  Those who emailed customer service (monday 1st) got the Happy99.exe worm sent to their inboxes, whao, that was nice of them.  Full story here.

05/03/99 - Hackers shut down East Timor Internet Address, this happened about a month ago, but this is a follow up story I found which you may wanna read.  Click here.

05/03/99 - Monicalewinsky.com has been hacked.  Story here.

04/03/99 - Britain's Ministry of Defence has strongly denied that the nation's militarty satellites were hacked.  I spokewoman who wanted to remain unamed, said it was extremly differcult to hack the system, if not impossible.  Read up here.

02/03/99 - Added another script to the javascript examples section, so you can now have a pull down menu on your page if you wish.  You can find that by following the tutorials link.  I am now writing the tutorial into html so anyone that is that wants a page can now get one :>

02/03/99 - HotBot and MailCity free email user are affected by the bug, when they click on a website link contained in their email.  After clicking the link the hosting site automatically recieves encrypted information about the users name and password hence allowing the owner to gain access to the account.  More here.

02/03/99 - A newly found UNIX flaw threatens thousands of computers that operate on the internet.  Its a DoS attack that can bring the machine to its knees. The attack entails sending repeated open-connection requests to a Unix server. Subprograms - like Internet Daemon, Secure Shell Daemon and Internet Message Access Protocol Daemon - are written to automatically answer the connection and carry out requests. But if the connection is initiated with no request, most Daemons keep the line open, using resources from the server's process table, which can handle between 600 and 1,500 simultaneous tasks. Repeated connections eventually overload the process table and crash the server. You can find more on this story here.

02/03/99 - The British Military have denied that they are being blackmailed for them to have control of their satellite saying "its impossible to hack a military satellite".  There is much doubt over weather this story as true, and the spokesman added that "he belived the story has been confused with the Fraud squard are investigating in regards to a hacker accessing sites".  Scotland Yard were not avilable for comment.  More here.

02/03/99 - Your Windows 95 or 98 may crash after 49.7 days of continual use microsoft have just announced.   There was no further explanition from microsoft, buit the problem is apprantly caused by a timing algorithum.  Microsoft have posted a fix for this, but has not been completed tested and should only be used by those effected.  Story at cnet.

01/03/99 - Hackers have hijacked one of Britain's military communications satellites and are issuing blackmail threats.  The satellites course was altered just over two weeks ago and the hackers are demanding money for them to stop interfacing with it.  More on that story here.

01/03/99 - Put in new information about a new place where you can get a quality shell account.  Also uploaded the new version of pong :>.

Read old news


11/02/99 - 01/03/99

02/02/99 - 10/02/99

07/01/99 - 30/01/99


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Do not flame me if this isn't "1337" enough for you.  This isn't a hacking site, it is a site to provide good quality information. 
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