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- Updated the networking section by finishing the info on serial communication protocols. 30/01/99 - Dark Eclipse software have just released AIM Recover 2.0. Its a utility that allows you to recover passwords and buddy list from AOL Instant Messenger. This new version no longer requires run time files. Click here to check out their page. 29/01/99 - AOL profits skyrocket 367%. How can that be ?? This is AOHELL, read more. 29/01/99 - News of a major bug in internet explorer 4 when using cross frames. This problem has been patched twice before by microsoft but just keeps on cropping up, read the story at cnet. Of Interest, Why Linux is a threat to Microsoft. 29/01/99 - Updated the page on networking to include information on Serial Communication Protocols. 28/01/99 - SuSE 6 has been released Click here to joing the discussion at slashdot. 28/01/99 - Karma have announced that Hacking 101 v2 has been released. It is there text file that covers all the basics of hacking. Click here to take a peak. 28/01/99 - Yahoo! has today announced that it has signed an agreement to acquire Geocities in a stock deal believed to be worth about $3.56 billion. Click here to read the full story. 28/01/99 - Added in the links section to the page, if you want your link put in there, then email me the url or leave a message on the weboard and I will get it sorted. Added some more tips to the comp secruity section and a whole big list of places to get free shell accounts. I am also now going to bring you the very latest in computer news :) 27/01/99 - I updated a few pages and tidyed things up abit. I have deciedied to add a links sections. This will include links to some of the best resouces on the net. If you want your link added then email me or put a post in the web board. 26/01/99 - Adding a section on networking. Seeing as this is such a large area to cover, I doubt I will be able to cover everthing in detail, I doubt I be able to cover everything but it is worth a read !! Ask any questions you may have in the Weboard and I will get back to you with an answer. 25/01/99 - Fixed some broken links. Added some files to the My Programs section. I have also found my self a webboard, courtesy of bravenet. It is a free forum to discuss what you wish. Please feel free to use it. I have realized that not many people are signing the guestbook, please take that extra minute to give me your comments :) 22/01/99 - I have slightly redesigned the site to give better navagation. I am also including a new section that will be abit about me and programs that I am working on. 19/01/99
- Some were complaining that the guestbook was not working. I have now restored that
to working order. Also some of you were experiancing problems with the guessing
game. Well for some reason it didn't save so I am going to have to rewrite it, but
that won't be for a while as I am currently busy on a program. |