Mike - 10/18/00 03:26:52
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/id/mtg/frame.html
My Email:mike.70@usa.net
How you find me?: I didn't even realize that you were lost.
Coming Back?: I was here before... so I already came back. ;)
Cool site!
Xcript^RHS~CK - 07/03/00 04:54:09
My URL:http://www.xcriptkid.com
My Email:xcript@xcriptkid.com
How you find me?: Altavista
Coming Back?: Yeah
fuk.. nice site man, keep up the good work.. laterz
Shamgod - 06/16/00 06:25:06
How you find me?: Alta Vista
Coming Back?: Oh Yeah
Man, Great Site. You Make Thing Seem And Easy To Do. I Wish More "Hacking" Or WhatEver Sites Were Like Yours. Peace Out!
LinuXProX - 06/06/00 04:11:28
My URL:http://www.linuxprox.com | http://GetPaid2Surf.8k.com
My Email:matt@linuxprox.com
How you find me?: Altavista I think
Coming Back?: Yup
Great Site Keep up the hard work! Also Please add my link www.linuxprox.com to your links Thanx!
Daniel U. Thibault - 05/17/00 19:51:16
My Email:Daniel.Thibault@DREV.DND.Ca
How you find me?: Alta Vista
Coming Back?: Maybe
Your Networking Basics page
(/CollegePark/Hall/6936/networking.html) perpetuates an old error when it defines the kilobyte as 1024 bytes and so on.
For the last year and a half, this incorrect usage has been corrected.
See for example http://physics.nist.gov/cuu/Units/binary.html. A kilobyte is thus truly 1000 bytes, a megabyte 1 000 000 bytes, and so on, whilst a kibibyte is 1024 bytes, a mebibyte 1 048 576 bytes, and so on.
The binary prefixes and their symbols, developed by Technical Committee (TC) 25 (Quantities and Units) of the International
Electrotechnical Commission (IEC - http://www.iec.ch ) with the strong support of the International Committee for Weights and Measures (CIPM - http://www.bipm.fr/enus/2_Committees/cipm.html ) and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE
- http://www.ieee.org ), were
adopted in January of 1999 as Amendment 2 to International Standard IEC 60027-2: Letter symbols to be used in electrical technology - Part 2: Telecommunications and electronics.
For reference :
Kibibyte (KiB)
One thousand and twenty-four (1024) bytes.
Mebibyte (MiB)
1 048 576 bytes.
Gibibyte (GiB)
1 073 741 824 bytes.
Tebibyte (TiB)
1 099 511 627 776 bytes.
Pebibyte (PiB)
1 125 899 906 842 624 bytes.
Exbibyte (EiB)
1 152 921 504 606 846 976 bytes.
Zebibyte (ZiB)
1 180 591 620 717 411 303 424 bytes.
Yobibyte (YiB)
1 208 925 819 614 629 174 706 176 bytes.
Daniel U. Thibault
Defence Research Establishment, Valcartier
Intelligence and Knowledge Management Systems
Vox: (418) 844-4000 x4245
Fax: (418) 844-4538
HaRvEnZ - 04/30/00 18:10:41
My URL:http://www.JuMaHeD.org/
My Email:HaRvEnZ@JuMaHeD.org
le0n - 04/13/00 17:13:44
My URL:http://jafc.tsx.org ( Portuguese Site)
My Email:le0n@clix.pt
How you find me?: Altavista
Coming Back?: Nope
I think your page is good, like all of us, you still have to learn, but also as me and the rest all of us. Keep the good work. Cya around !
Regards, le0n
Justin - 03/20/00 20:30:11
My Email:Elnino_15@hotmail.com
How you find me?: Friends
Coming Back?: Absolutely
Bro i am just learning how to hack and i don tknow a lot but ur page is so great that it is that much easier for me to learn so i can guarantee that ill be back b/c i think this is the greatest site i have been to and i really enjoy reading how u explain
hings so ill be back soon............Kepp it real.............Justin
jose - 03/03/00 19:31:28
My Email:nolose14@hotmail.com
How you find me?: friend
Coming Back?: i d'ont know
I think that this page are very well.
cyberDuDe - 02/16/00 22:38:03
My Email:mp3_nof@hotmail.com
How you find me?: Altavista
Coming Back?: Sure!
Nice page. Cool VB codes. I'll check it to see further devps of that-all-in-one app that u and your friends are making. Keep up with your good work!
ZeR01killah - 02/13/00 21:41:37
My URL:http://members.dencity.com/ZeR01killah/
Coming Back?: sure
easy page and cool infos, but you should add
a warning to the computers section.
damn, where hell have you this computer adresses
Fer - 02/11/00 19:38:23
My URL:http://www.mp3zcity.com.ar
My Email:fernando@mp3zcity.com.ar
How you find me?: rewf
Coming Back?: wqregft
Good!!! Visit My WEB: http://www.mp3zcity.com.ar or http://www.mp3zcity.cjb.net
Fer - 02/11/00 19:37:42
My URL:http://www.mp3zcity.com.ar
My Email:fernando@mp3zcity.com.ar
How you find me?: Sipetor
Coming Back?: Sipetor
GOOD! visit my WEB: http://www.mp3zcity.com.ar or http://www.mp3zcity.cjb.net
BraK - 01/23/00 07:38:38
How you find me?: altavista
Coming Back?: Yeah
There are so few useful sites these days. The networking section was very nice. You do lovely work.
Armis - 01/16/00 22:45:02
My Email:agx@hotmail.com
How you find me?: easy
Coming Back?: yes
Jaden - 01/13/00 21:39:14
My URL:http://jaden.cjb.net
My Email:jaden@2fw.com
How you find me?: Tressware
Coming Back?: yup
just swung by here after remembering the addy... all those days in Y!Chat and i remembered only 1 thing...
tom - 12/18/99 16:55:09
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/louwers_nl/
My Email:Tommie_L@chello.nl
great site, but i would like to know how to enter for example (archive.afit.af.mil) by telnet i don't know what port i must use
sorry for my rotten english that's 'cause im from holland
Sundiver - 12/12/99 02:00:00
My Email:moonwatcher20@hotmail.com
How you find me?: altavista
U have a great page man!
Alex Moss - 12/02/99 19:57:54
My URL:http://www.hackingiscool.co.uk/
My Email:allhere@email.com
How you find me?: Altavista.com
Coming Back?: Only if you answer my question!
Hi. Cool site, I was wondering if u had the hotmail hacker as a PROGRAM and NOT a script! Please email me
Tobias Olsson - 12/01/99 00:20:33
My URL:http://user.tninet.se/~don894b/skunk/
My Email:toobe@mail-me.com
Coming Back?: Yepp!!
I'll really like you page!! VERY usefull!
michel Couppe - 11/03/99 14:07:04
My Email:kloury@ifrance.com
How you find me?: altavista
Coming Back?: Sure
It's difficult to read the pages after they are
It is interessing, with good graphics.
I'm looking at HDLC but find a good general presentation.
I will come soon.
Enigma - 10/24/99 21:12:01
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/pentagon/bunker/9444/
My Email:error_enigma@yahoo.com
How you find me?: Link
Coming Back?: Yep
Gr8 p4g3. 0n3 0f 7h3 m0r3 w0r7hy 51735.
Jack_Bond_0072 - 10/06/99 23:42:03
My Email:Jack_Bond_0072@hotmail.com
How you find me?: chatroom
Coming Back?: OF COURSE !!!
U are the first one I meat who says Win98 is good enough to hack....cool
keep working....are there more things like the new-folder-named like "Control Panel.{21..."
Earthquaker - 09/07/99 19:46:34
My URL:http://jump.to/dhf
My Email:earthquaker@fuckyou.co.uk
How you find me?: altavista
Coming Back?: ..i guess !
I was wondering if you wanted to co-operate with us..your site looked nice
earthquaker of [da hacking force]
same as below - 08/11/99 22:13:31
My URL:same as below
My Email:same
How you find me?: same
Coming Back?: yep
AcId ReIgN®© - 08/11/99 22:10:56
My URL:http://come.to/reignoffire/
My Email:mgsm80@hotmail.com
How you find me?: alta vista
Coming Back?: yeppo
Hey I dont know you but bloody good page man\!!
hey doode i like your site its kewl
if u have icq contact me my icq number is
so we can chat and talk about this stuff and mabe u can join ma clan
Jaden - 07/11/99 22:54:34
My URL:http://jaden.cjb.net
My Email:jaden@deskmail.com
How you find me?: Sucky yahoo
Coming Back?: yup
What the hell happened to the Info Hype??
-Data Ripper- - 05/13/99 01:46:15
How you find me?: top site
Coming Back?: some time.. nice site.
Hey man gret Site.. worth the time i spent here.
l8er man!
the data ripper
Darren...AKA.CRAZY_YAH_WHoOoOoOo - 04/30/99 22:17:00
My URL:/CapeCanaveral/Galaxy/1335/COOL2.htm
How you find me?: surfing threwanother cool page
Coming Back?: why not! : )
¥óü® §íë í§ £öökíñ9
®ë⣣¥ 9õôð
heheh nice page but mine better hehhe
KiLLJoY - 04/06/99 00:52:36
My URL:http://www.gamers-world.com
My Email:KiLLJoY@gamers-world.com
How you find me?: Yahoo
Coming Back?: Ya
Great content, just add some more.
Check out my site, Gamers-World.com
Caleb15 - 04/01/99 12:54:40
My URL:http://www.members.tripod.com/~Caleb15
My Email:calebone15@hotmail.com
How you find me?: Cyberarmy
Coming Back?: Yep
Hey man, compliments for your site, keep it going,
it's good !! C15.
Veg - 03/28/99 08:50:19
My URL:http://pages.nyu.edu/~scs216
My Email:veggie88@hotmail.com
How you find me?: You signed my guestbook.
Coming Back?: p'raps
Hey. Interesting page, although I'm quite computer illiterate so most of it made no sense to me. I was wondering how you stumbled upon my site. Did it show up on a search or summink?
Peter - 03/23/99 14:50:38
My Email:w_caires@hotmail.com
How you find me?: Link
Coming Back?: Absolutly
The information I have gained from you web cite, even though I have not exsplored all of it yet has taught me allot. Thank to you I have been able to stop this kid named Matt who's Icq number is 23795516 from hacking into my computer. He was doing it on a
regular basis but not any more.
Best regards,
Data Matrix - 03/22/99 20:27:55
My URL:http://datamatrix.hypermart.net/home.htm
How you find me?: Link
Coming Back?: yes
Great info. But theres not much of it.
KgB - 03/21/99 17:27:06
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/oh2/illegalops
My Email:KgB@anti-social.com
How you find me?: URL scrolled over Yahoo...
Coming Back?: Perhaps
Nice work! Don't forget to visit my page for a few messages...
_808_7h3___3v0l___h4x0r_ - 03/19/99 11:34:50
My URL:http://home.c2i.net/moby
My Email:_808_7h3___3v0l___h4x0r_@yahoo.com
How you find me?: dont remember
Coming Back?: twice a week
well tressie, your page totally kicks ass, just fix that stupid 92% freeze loading crap at your main page, or i'll become a very upset little boy.
anyways, keep it up dude =)
- 03/17/99 05:42:32
Lisa - 03/17/99 04:07:33
How you find me?: Link at www.angelfire.com/sk/izofren
Great site! If I had a site I would put a link to here everywhere! Thanks
Gala - 03/16/99 20:23:59
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/neurokill
My Email:neurokill@thevortex.com
How you find me?: Easily
Coming Back?: Definately
Nice page came to sign the g-book, keep up the good work, laters dude.
Ultraburner - 03/16/99 11:49:30
My URL:http://SPiON-angelfire
My Email:Matthew@ndak.net
How you find me?: Files (dnx)
Coming Back?: I'm always here!
£órd Rånë§ - 03/15/99 21:46:13
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Bay/6432
My Email:lordranes@netscape.net
How you find me?: Top 100 you know where!
Coming Back?: of course
Love The Site!
Josh Stevens - 03/15/99 21:00:51
My Email:jstevens@usa.net
How you find me?: posted in yahoo
Coming Back?: ~~~~
of all the pages on comps if been to...yers is my favorite by far!
Sdowns - 03/15/99 18:52:30
My URL:http://anglefire.com/on/DaCompPages/
My Email:yeahumm@geocities.com
How you find me?: yahoo chat as Sdowns_
Coming Back?: sure
yo sup tress? nice page....
XDreaDX - 03/14/99 10:01:11
My Email:dread5243@hotmail.com
How you find me?: Yahoo chat
Coming Back?: yes
Good Page Nicely done
BlueHaze - 03/13/99 08:07:25
My Email:BlueHaze@wans.net
Coming Back?: yep
nice pages i do programing in vb anyone wana team up just e-mail me
FirEDrAg0n - 03/13/99 05:53:20
My Email:FirEDrAg0n@yahoo.com
How you find me?: just look
sup man this is some cool shit you got here, anyway i was wondering if you got icq so we can chat because there are somethings that i am unfamilar about and it would be cool if we could chat
mike - 03/12/99 08:04:05
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/zone/1494/southpark/index.html
My Email:cyberbeachboy@hotmail.com
How you find me?: #2 on the list
Coming Back?: maybe
Very cool. I was wondering how you got your picture to be shown on the list on the top 100 sites. Can you help me out? Mine just has an "x".
UrGe1 - 03/10/99 19:43:49
My Email:urge1@hotmail.com
How you find me?: friend
Coming Back?: hell yeah
i often post on your webboard. today i tried to get into it and it said invalid user id/pw on the bravenet services page. whats up with this man???? how can i get back into it. thanks for your time. email me
Vince - 03/09/99 04:39:48
My URL:http://move.to/TheDarkside
My Email:vince@cyberspace.org
How you find me?: um... dunno.
Coming Back?: yuppers.. eventually.
cool page.. lmfao @ the monica lewinsy story.. hehe
and i want your swiss army knife proggy!
need more Linux/Unix stuff.. lots lots more!
jillian rocker - 03/05/99 03:57:47
My Email:jillianrocker04112@yahoo.com
How you find me?: some kid on yahoo sent me...
Coming Back?: better believe it !!!
vis - 03/05/99 03:36:46
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Circuit/6546/
How you find me?: i haXored it, LOL
Coming Back?: yeah, always do for some news
i just had to sign your book, since you signed mine..hehe...So you like YahBOOT? LOL. Shhh, don't
give out the password for it, ok?
Layde - 03/02/99 20:08:44
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Nook/3371/mal.html
My Email:ladyjackass@hotmail.com
How you find me?: the white pages?
Coming Back?: prollY!
Didg - 03/02/99 11:49:58
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Acropolis/5503
How you find me?: You are fine.
Coming Back?: tee hee
kewl beanz
Darrell - 03/01/99 23:12:36
My Email:thug222@hotmail.com
How you find me?: icq- 25810946
Coming Back?: maby
i need to learn vb, or any good hacking and programing language, i also need someone to remove some trojans from my comp
SHaDoW PHReaK - 03/01/99 18:30:58
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ok2/PHReaK
My Email:_shadow_phreak_@yahoo.com
How you find me?: u PoSTeD uR URL oN YaHoo CHaT
Coming Back?: SuRe
KeWL SiTe. HoW WouLD u LiKe 2 JoiN THe PHaNToMZ?
TeRRoRiZeR - 03/01/99 13:19:02
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ok2/TeRRoRiZeR
My Email:terrorizer@angelfire.com
How you find me?: Shadow Phreak
Coming Back?: HeLL YaH
I hope them hackers Get their black mail to werk
HaPPy HaCkINg To All HaCkErZ
SHADOWMOB - 03/01/99 00:21:09
My Email:shadowmob@yahoo.com
Coming Back?: yes
Great page
brad - 02/28/99 14:52:04
My Email:llogic98@yahoo.com
Micr0vyllus - 02/26/99 23:29:21
My URL:http://workin on it..
My Email:microvyllus@usa.net
How you find me?: u gave me ur url y0
Coming Back?: hell yea.
Luke Cliff - 02/23/99 20:39:42
My Email:lukec@oasys.com.au
How you find me?: ychat
Coming Back?: yes
great site thankz for the lesson
ProfaneExistance - 02/22/99 15:57:54
How you find me?: yell out my name in the middle of the night...
ok I havent had time to fully read your site but I wanna make a few comments
1: anyone can copy everything from everywhere and make them sound like an ueberhax0r *HINT HINT*
2: All your talking the talk..but when I see you around you are neither talking the talk nor walking the walk.
3: I could have you pegged wrong, but I'm gonna say if you bothered reading half of what you put up here, maybe you could do a lil walking (Refer to #2)
but hel these are just my opinions, and they mean just about as much as...ummm you saying your a hacker.
*again HINT HINT*
P.E. (aka Tripp)
Warrior_WarLock - 02/21/99 22:21:20
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ak2/warriorwarlock/main.html
My Email:Warrior_WarLock@hotmail.com
How you find me?: Altavista
Coming Back?: yes
can I put U on my site?
DarkHaXor - 02/21/99 19:04:21
My Email:HellPage@hotmail.com
How you find me?: Friend
Coming Back?: Definitely
man your page kicks ass man....... good job and if you need anything let me know aight
go see my page also---->
The King - 02/20/99 16:41:55
My Email:*@cryogen.com
How you find me?: Alta-Vista search for Shell Accounts
Coming Back?: Probably
Being the newbie to Unix and shells that i am, (hey everyone was new at some point) this seems like a pretty informative page. Take it easy. :)
Resident Evil - 02/20/99 11:56:08
My Email:alienvspredator@yahoo.com
How you find me?: yahoo, in 'so-called', chat rooms
Coming Back?: Of Course!!
Well well, this iz a pretty fine page. Lotz of stuff and info, well done. Catch ya l8ta, man.
VeLdErBo - 02/20/99 03:57:20
My URL:http://www.defvac.com
My Email:xXx_VeLdErBo_xXx@hotmail.com
How you find me?: YahOO!
Coming Back?: ???
Nice ass page.
Needs more bannerz tho.
-***Da JuNk MaNd***- - 02/19/99 23:29:35
My URL:http://come.to/dajunkmand
My Email:funny_girl26@hotmail.com
Coming Back?: Ya u bet
I lOvE tHiZ zItE !!!! i JuSt ThInK u ShOuLd GeT mOrE pRoGrAmMs !!!!!
Z3R0_Th3_H3R0 - 02/19/99 01:59:19
My URL:http://hackor.cjb.net
My Email:roadkill187_98@hotmail.com
How you find me?: you posted you url on chat
Coming Back?: hell yeah
U have my e-mail, but don't nuke,hack, or whatever it. kool site. send me latest news on new progs, and other stuff if u can,
C-ya later, masturbater
RAZOR1911/MONSTROSITY - 02/19/99 01:00:56
My URL:http://2literwarez.mainpage.net
My Email:webmaster@2literwarez.zzn.com
How you find me?: YOU TOLD ME ON YAHOO
Coming Back?: HELL YA
hey /\/\an /\/ice site you gotz here check out myn
/\/\aybe \/\/e can exchange LiNkZ
Cass - 02/18/99 11:56:05
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/cassy98
My Email:althea98@hotmail.com
How you find me?: HNS board
Coming Back?: yeppers!
very nice! lots of info...easy on the eyes...*smiles* ...i shall return!
__SiLenT_GeNociDe__ - 02/18/99 10:48:45
My Email:pyroboy19@yahoo.com
How you find me?: YahooChat
Coming Back?: Probably.
S.Zielonka - 02/16/99 22:14:48
My Email:iridium24@yahoo.com
How you find me?: Chat Room Link
Coming Back?: You damn right...
Excellent page!!! Lots of info, lots of links. Very informative....keep up the good work.
Will definatly bookmark, and I will be back.
One of the few sites I actually enjoyed looking at.
__SiLenT_GeNociDe__ - 02/13/99 18:55:47
My Email:pyroboy19@yahoo.com
How you find me?: YahooChat
Coming Back?: Probably.
Cool page Good information
Nice guy Hosting it.
Fuckin if ur here Come back if it's ur first time here Come back again
I'm Stoned.
StOnEd aNd LoVn iT.
jessica - 02/12/99 13:52:24
My Email:faithajohnson@mailexcite.com
How you find me?: yahoo chat
Coming Back?: maybe
e mail hottie!!
psi - 02/12/99 01:26:20
My URL:http://fly.to/dr.psi
My Email:sap2@viconet.com
How you find me?: you signed my guest book
Coming Back?: yes
representin' npi!
great page i learned alot off it!
keep it up!
KN0WLEDGE - 02/10/99 23:48:51
My URL:http://all.at/hack
My Email:h.a.c.k@usa.net
How you find me?: Cyberarmy Top50
Coming Back?: Mabey
Cool Site, Want to trade banners
- 02/06/99 23:36:43
ReVeNgE - 02/04/99 22:55:45
How you find me?: Yahoo
Coming Back?: Oh hell yeah
This site is great. I love the examples of programming and the Unix commands and ports are very helpful. I hope you get the Telnet section up soon. Keep up the good work this is one site that doesn't deal with stupid proggies. You have real information th
t is helpful.
Layde - 02/04/99 21:38:24
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/lp83/iniquity.html
My Email:ladyjackass@yahoo.com
How you find me?: you post your page address every five minutes in my chatroom;)
Coming Back?: oh you betcha!
ok...well theres my page addy tresSsero. thanks for your compliments on my page..and your praise of my art. i know there are people out there that have much more talent than i when it comes to graphics, so i really appreciate it. ill try to get them done
oon. take care and be good...
Layde;) (btw...i still owe you an ass whoping at chess!)
Phyber Optik - 02/04/99 04:42:55
My URL:http://phyberoptik.8m.com
My Email:phyber0ptik_@hotmail.com
How you find me?: icq chat room
Coming Back?: yep
i like your windows page
keep updating.
LlNK20 - 02/03/99 19:49:38
My URL:http://fly.to/LlNK
Hey, cool page. later
LlNK20 - 02/03/99 03:07:46
My URL:http://fly.to/LlNK
My Email:LlNK20@yahoo.com
DeadIAmTheOne - 02/01/99 02:08:16
My URL:http://deadz.cjb.net
My Email:deadtheone@hotmail.com
How you find me?: yahoo
Coming Back?: yeah
tight sight man
PuNk AsS - 01/30/99 23:18:16
My URL:http://punkass.com/
My Email:punkass@punkass.com
How you find me?: saw ur shit it Yahoo
Coming Back?: hell ya
Dude this page kicks Azz I really like how u got rid of geocities damn pop up ads cause they sux. And the yeah this is nice isnt it thing had me rollin. keep it up man
Eddy - 01/30/99 19:21:52
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Mansion/4524/
My Email:weeeddy@yahoo.com
How you find me?: yahoo
Coming Back?: yes
VeRy CoOl SiTe
Phreaze - 01/29/99 19:22:27
My URL:http://w3.to/phreaze
My Email:phreaze@hotmail.com
How you find me?: A map
Coming Back?: hell ya
Tress...man ya page ownz. Loadz'a info on all kindza kool shit...too sweet man
LadyJackass - 01/28/99 18:43:30
My Email:velcro_queene@hotmail.com
How you find me?: in yahoo! "no such thing--"
Coming Back?: of course...
marvelous page Tress... its filled to the core with information. ill come back when i have the patience to actually read all that it says- i think its probably one of the most explanitory sites ive ever encountered. i also love the layout.. overall, this
age is kickin';) keep up with it and ill keep comming back- =Lady=
MaStEr_MiNd_GiRl - 01/26/99 21:29:31
My URL:http://not_gonna_tell_u
My Email:KevsFaveFan@gurlmail.com
How you find me?: YoU CaLLeD fOr YoUr MaStEr... CHaTTiN
Coming Back?: CaLL mE MaStEr aGaiN aNd ThEn ThE pLeAsUrE wOuLd Be aLL MiNe~!
ThiS iS a PhAt SiTe. =)
JAY - 01/26/99 19:38:40
My Email:overlord31337@hotmail.com
How you find me?: you were in the chat room and linked up
Coming Back?: maybe
InTeRsTiNg HehEhE
Dave P - 01/26/99 19:35:50
My Email:Castor_55@hotmail.com
How you find me?: at yahoo, "hackers" rooms
Coming Back?: OF COURSE!
pretty fine, man, pretty fine
Versa Logik - 01/16/99 19:06:22
My URL:http://fly.to/N3V3RL4ND
My Email:_subliminal_message_@yahoo.com
How you find me?: well u was tied to a pole in ur boXerz, so it wasn't hard.. TeHeHe
Coming Back?: if u wear silk next time maybe..
LoL.. sorry me is jus in one of dem kinky sillie moodZ.. LoL.. n e waiZe.. SupsuP babe, ya page kikk azZ n is kewlioz n all that sweet layout, me likeZ, keep it up tress, buh byeZ seXy
Greendaygirl - 01/14/99 20:14:50
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ga/GreendayGirlzDomain
My Email:green_day_girl_@hotmail.com
How you find me?: You asked me to sign :)
Coming Back?: Probly :) if u sign my book :)
Heya Tress :) This is Greendaygirl. I was in yahoo under Dead_BodiezZzzZz_Everywhre you asked me to sign your book. Pretty happenin' page hon. It kix ass :) sign my guest book plz :) chat with me sometime in yahoo maybe we'll get to be friends. Keep up th
good work and go check my page and sign the book *hugz* peace!!
Xx_CrAzY_CeLeBrAtIoN_xX - 01/14/99 20:14:35
My URL:http://boopppoop
My Email:none
How you find me?: friend
Coming Back?: yes
kewl site man i like it
Bojo - 01/13/99 18:39:54