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Welcome, I am going to try and cover as much
as I can of what I think will be useful to you. If there is something you want to
know about and you think I missed, let me know and I will see if I can help. Also if
you are interessted in how the wire works again let me know by posting a message on the
web board and I will write a page. Enjoy what I 've got so far :) After being
asked many times I would like to confirm that these pages are by me and is all the stuff
that I have learned from reading and from what I do for a living. Ok, we will start with a few terms and what they mean. You
really should get an understanding of these.
Analogue |
A type of transmission in which a
continuously variable signal encodes and infinite number of values of the information
being sent. Uh huh What the means in English. Electrical signals representing sound
ie, the phone lines. Analogue travels at a max speed of 33.6k. So if you get
a 56k modem and plug it into your phone line you ain't gonna be getting 56k connection
speeds. |
Digital |
A type of transmission that encodes a
discreet value for each unit of information being sent. ie you data is transmitted in 1's
and 0's and you can reach high speeds depending on the wire. |
Binary |
A base 2 counting system, consists only
of 1's and 0's. |
Octal |
A base 8 counting system, consists of
the digits 0 to 7. |
Decimal |
A base 10 counting system. |
Hexadecimal |
A base 16 counting system, consists of
the digits 0 to 9 and a to f. Most command system that is used with computers. |
Bit (b) |
A single unit of two state digital
information. Holds either a 0 or a 1. Foundation of the binary number system. |
Nibble |
A group of 4 bits, can hold the values 0
to 15. |
Byte |
A group of 6, 8 or 10 bytes depending on
interpretation. |
Octet (B) |
A group of 8 bytes. Can hold the
values 0 to 255 |
Word |
A group of two octets. Can hold
the values 0 to 65535 |
Long Word |
A group of 4 octets. Can hold the
values 0 to 4 billion. |
Page |
256 bytes |
Kilobit (Kb) |
Kilobyte (KB) |
1024 bytes. USUALLY USED TO
Megabit (Mb) |
Either 1000 or 1024 Kb, depending on
interpretation. Usually used to describe the rate of data flow |
Megabyte (MB) |
Either 1000 or 1024 KB, depending on
interpretation, Usually used to describe data storage capacity. |
Gigabit (Gb) |
1000 or 1024 Mb |
Gigabyte (GB) |
1000 or 1024 MB |
Terabit (Tb) |
1000 or 1024 Gb |
TeraByte (TB) |
1000 or 1024 GB |
A 7 bit table used to describe the
alphabet (upper and lower case), numeric, punctuation symbols and other Misc symbols. |
An alternative to ASCII originally used
by IBM. |
Simplex |
One way communication, ie radio, TV. |
Half Duplex |
Communication may only be made one way
at a time. |
Full Duplex |
Communications can be made in both ways
at the same time. |
Bandwidth |
The rate capacity of the communications
medium. The higher the bandwidth the more data that can be transmitted at any one
interval. |
Data Rate |
The rate of data transfer at any given
time. |
Error Rate |
The rate at which errors are occurring
over a transmission medium. Expressed as a percentage of the data rate. |
Baud Rate |
The rate at which the signal level can
be changed in a communications medium. In a analogue medium this is refereed to as
the modulation rate. This is not the same as data rate, since each baud may
represent more than one bit, although sometimes their values are the same. |
Frame |
Represents the individual blacks of data
transmitted onto a network. These can vary in size often ranging from 1 byte to
16000. |
Packet |
Usually the same as a frame but used to
refer to a block of data within a frame. |
Cell |
A frame which has a fixed size |
So now you know what they all mean, I want to talk
about a thing called the "7 layer model". This is what the ISO have
constructed which describes how different parts of a network should communicate.
7 |
Application |
This layer includes the application
service provided by the network system. This IS NOT the application programs
themselves, but the mechanics required by them. Examples of the TCP/IP application
layer are Telnet, FTP, SMPT and POP. ON IPX/SPX, RIP and NCP. |
6 |
Presentation |
This layer is responsible for formatting
data and encrypting it. Most networks do not implement this. |
5 |
Session |
This layer establishes, maintains,
disconnects a communications link between two stations in a network. It works
directly with the transport layer to ask for the session to be established. Also can
be used to validate users by checking passwords. This layer also provides name to
station address translation, allowing you to contact a system by name. Protocols
used in this layer include NetBIOS as used in windows and LAN manager and the WinSOCK
service used with TCP/IP in UNIX systems. |
4 |
Transport |
The transport layer identifies each
connection between devices and maintains an identifying number so they can't be combined.
It also provides two of the following, Connection oriented (CO). They provide
an error free connection to another device. The destination machine can either agree
or refuse the connection. All data is broken up into blocks that are suitable for
transport. This layer keeps track of all frames sent and any that are not received
are re-requested. Examples. TCP which uses IP as the layer 3 network protocol.
SPX which uses IPX as the layer 3 protocol.
Connection Less (CL) doesn't provide a guaranteed service, it simple sends packets
and performs no checked. Example. UDP which uses IP as the layer 3 network
protocol. |
3 |
Network |
The layer 3 protocols are designed to
provide a consistent and hierarchical addressing system across all the networks involved.
Communication maybe required across a variety of networks (X.25, lan, point to
point etc) and each has a different addressing system. This makes it difficult to
determine where a device is, even when the address is known. Layer 3 protocols
provide an improved addressing system which break address into networks, sub-networks and
hosts thus making it easier to route messages. IP, IPX, NetBEUI, AppleTalk, Decnet, DecLAT
are all examples of network protocols. |
2 |
DataLink |
This layer provides a secure data link
between the two hosts. This includes breaking data into frames and using checksum to
validate frame integrity. Examples include HDLC, LAPB, LAPD, LAPM, PPP, SLIP,
ethernet (CSMA/CD) token ring and FDDI access methods, MAC addys and LLC. |
1 |
Physical |
This layer defines the medium used for
connection, the signaling methods used to detect transmit data and the methods used to
detect signaling. Examples include, the copper wire, coaxial cables, fiber optics,
infra-red signals and radio. |
OK, I hope you got your self abit of
understanding on all of that, now I am going to move on and talk about serial
communications protocol. So you ask yourself. What are Serial communication
protocols ? Well I will explain:
Protocols provide a language to allow devices on a network
to communicate. Without these protocols the raw data that is sent accross the
network would be meaningless. The command feature that are providied by protocols
are as follows:
- Packets. Data is broken down into
small packets, which are transmittied individually, then if an error occurs, or packets
get lost, only the effected packets need to be resent. When the packets are recieved
with out error, they are reconstructed back to the original data. (this is seen best
in tcp/ip)
- Start and End. Packets have a
recongnisable start and end, which help the reciever determine where the data begins and
- Address. Packets can have an address
field which specifies who the data is for. This is much more important if there is
more than one machine on a single cable.
- CheckSum. Packets can have a checksum
field which helps the reciver determine if the packet has been recievied correctly.
- Identification. Packets can have an
identification field which specfies the type of data is holding. For example it
could be a file or simply a control message.
- Control Messages. Devices may need to
communicate amongst them selves. For example, if a packet was recieved in error, the
reciever must inform the sender to transmit the packet again.
- Clocking. Protocols may provide
additional clicking methods to help improve on that provided by the signalling method used
(RZ, NRZ etc)
There are many serial communication protocols out there,
how ever they all fall into one of two categories
- Asynchronous data. This is very
simple protocol with few features, ie what all your pcs use. It was used for cost
cutting and is basically a load of rubbish, but it does its job.
- Synchronous data. This is a very
power protocol which has many variants. Such networks as Main Frame and Kilostream
use this.
Asynchronous data is almost exclusively used with the NRZ
encodeing method, which has no guaranteed clocking method of its own, and hence addition
clocking methods are providied. Asynchronous data is based upon a method of sending
the data bit a byte at a time and encapsulating each byte in a start and stop bit.
Bit |
Data Bits |
Bit |
Bit |
The start bit is always a space and is used
to help the recieving computer determine the moment when communications began. At
this point the reciever starts its clock.
The Data bits are the actual data that is transmittied. There are either 7 or
8 data bits and the reciever tries to sample the data in the middle of each time period.
Since the recieve tries to sample the data in the middle of each data bit, data can
still be correctly interpreted, even if the recievers clock differs slightly from that of
the senders. Errors of up to 5% in the clocking can occur with out failure,
allowing cheap equipment to be used. Async chips (UARTS are commonplace in PC
computers (COm1 and COM2).
The parity bit is optional and used to detect errors in the data bits. Parity
is calculated by adding up the numbers of 1's in the data and then storing the result
which differs depending of the type of parity used:
- NONE The parity bit isn't present
- EVEN If there is an even number of bits set
to 1 then the parity bit is set to 0, other wise it is set to 1.
- ODD. If there is an even number of bits set
to 1 then the parity bit is set to 1, other wise it is set to 0.
There are either one are two stop bits which are always set
to mark. These inform the recever to stop the clock and also to help to determine if
errors are occuring. ie, If the stop bit is set to not read as mark, then either
there is a high error rate or the receiver is sampling the wrong speed.
The Universal Asynchronous Reciever Transmitter (UART) is
used in most equipment to transmitt and recieve Asynchronous data. Before it can be
used it must be confgiured for:
- Transmission speed
- No. of data bits
- Parity bit
- No. of stop bits
A commonly used setting is 8 data bits, No
parity and 1 stop bit. This is known as 8N1. There can only
ever be one start bit hence it is never mentioned in configurations.
Synchronnous data is usually used with either NRZ or NRZi
encoding methods, neither of which have a guaranteed clocking of their own. To solve
this prblem, additional clocking signals are transmittied along the serial cable.
- Some standards (RS232, X.21 and RS422) use 1 transmit and
one recieve clock.
- Other Standards (RS449, RS530 and V.35) use 2 transmit and 2
Unlike async communications, data is not sent in idividual
bytes, but in large frames of data which can be thousnds of bytes long. Theses
frames contain protocol information as well as the raw data. There are a
variety of different synchronnous protocols including:
- Binary Synchronnous Control
(BSC). Developed by IBM. Variants include 3270, 2780 and
- Synchronnous Data Link
Control (SDLC). Developed by IBM and an integral part of SNA.
- Advanced Data Communications
Control Procedure (ADCCP). A
modified version of SDLC develpoed by ANSI.
- High-level Data Link
Control (HDLC). A modified version of ADCCP develpoed by
the ITU-T. Most synchronnous systems are based on this protocol.
Bitstuffing is a system which ensures that certain binary
sequences will not appear in a data stream. There are a variety of reasons for
wanting to do this.
- The clocking system provided by NRZi becomes very unreliable
if there are too many adjacent 1's in the data. Bit stuffing can be used to insert
padding 0, in places where there are too many 1's.
- Most synchronnous protocols have a special bit sequence,
used to specify the start and end of a frame, which must not appear any where else in the
frame. If one of these sequences is detected in the data stream, bit stuffing can be
used to break the sequence,
Assuming the reciever knows the bit stuffing methods used
by the sener, it will be able to recontruct the orginal data again.
The HDLC frame has the following structure.
8 |
0, 8 or
16 |
8 |
16 |
8 |
Flag |
Address |
Control |
Flag |
- The flag is the sequence 01111110 which specifies the start
of the frame. Bit stuffing is used to ensure that this pattern is never found else
where in the frame
- The address is used to specify the sender or intended
reciever of the frame. This allows multiple stations to conect on the same wire.
- The control specifies the type of frame. For example,
whether the frame contains user data or is a supervisor frame (see HDLS frames types
futher down the page).
- The data portion is the raw data carried by the frame.
It doesn't have to be arranged into byte blocks. It i a purely arbitaray
collection of bits.
- The CRC holds the cyclic redundancy check (checksum) which
allows the reciever to determine whether the data has been received exactly as sent.
If the CRC fails, the frame is discarded,
- The final flag also contains the pastter 01111110 and
denotes the end of the flag.
There are 3 types of frame that are supported by HDLC:
- Unnumbered. These are used for link
management. Common uses are for setting up the local logical link between stations,
specifying the mode of operation (see HDLC modes further down the page) and dissconnecting
the the logical link.
- Supervisory. These are used for the
error and flow control. This includes acknowledgements of data recieved and sequence
numbers to ensure that data arrives in the correct order and with out duplications.
- Information. These contain the raw data.
In full duplex links, it is possible to piggyback data acknowledgements in the
frame, to save sending additional supervisory frames.
The original HDLC implementation supports 3 possible modes
of operation:
- Normal Responce Mode
(NRM). This is used in unbalanced configurations (where there is 1
primary station connected to 1 or more secondaries). The primary station has
full control of the network and secondary machines can only communicate when given
permission by the primary. NRM provides flow control, error
correction and guarantees accurate exchanges. This mode of operation is very similar
to SDLC.
- Async Response Mode
(ARM). This is very similar to NRM, but allows a secondary to
initiate transmission without recieving permission from a primary.
- Async Balanced Mode
(ABM). This is used in balanced configurations (peer to peer),
where each station has equal status. This mode is often used in full diuplex point
to point environments or for connections in packet switched networks ie X.25.
As HSLC grew and became more used in more and more
enviroments, it became necessary to extens the HDLC protocols to provide more features.
The ITU-T develpoed the LAP standards as an extention to HDLC:
- HDLC Lap Access
Procedure Balanced (LAPB) is generally
used in point to point enviroments. It ensures that data is passed from node to node
correctly and in order. It is the basis of X.25 networks and is used on the ISDN B
- HDLC Lap Access
Procedure for the D channel (LAPD) is
used to carry signalling accross the ISDN D channel.
- HDLC Lap Access
Procedure for Modems (LAPM) is the
primary protocol used for Async to sync conversion, flow control, error detection and
Lets move onto the next section.