_TreSSpaSS In0vationS_
- there are very few things i can actually
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- for there are very few things i can actually possess -
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- Hackers have
hijacked one of Britain's military communications satellites and are issuing blackmail
threats. The satellites course was altered just over two weeks ago and the hackers
are demanding money for them to stop interfacing with it. More on that story here. 01/03/99 - Put in new information about a new place where you can get a quality shell account. Also uploaded the new version of pong :>. 26/02/99 - Updated the whole site and cleaned it up abit, added some more info to the pages etc. 26/02/99 - China is cracking down on Computer Hacking, they solved 100 cases last year (wooohooo) all ranging from mischief to serious crime. From Yahoo!. 26/02/99 - The SEC charges 13 people with internet fraud. The schemes that they devised, fraudulently prompting stocks in Internet junk mail, online newsletter, Message board postings and web sites. Click here to go take a read. 26/02/99 - Heres a story on the new Internet2. It is quite interesting and has a few links to interesting places. Here. 25/02/99 - Some 17 year old found some hole in a RaQ server from which he has been hacking sites with ever since, well only 3, but hey. This is a pretty informative story and explains alot. Here for it. 25/02/99 - A story of lighter interest from the bbc. It talks about how internet addiction is affecting marriages and how people get on better in the online chat rooms ;) hohoho. Click here to read. 24/02/99 - Hotmail, for the second time this month is having more server glitches and "back-end" problems hotmail have acknowledged. Story here. 24/02/99 - A Rhode Island cracker who broke into universities, disabled Internet services, and ran a computer security Web site will have to break through more than firewalls after receiving a one-year federal prison sentence. Full story here. 24/02/99 - Virginia lawmakers ban spam. Spamming is punishable by fines of upto $500 and "Malicous" spamming which causes more than $2,500 in losses could result in a felony. ISPs can claim $10 per letter or $25,000 for the day depending on which is larger, subscribers can also seek similar amounts. See cnet. 24/02/99 - Sick of Win98 going really slow ? Cnet give 12 tips on how to speed it up. Click here. 24/02/99 - Updated the port list slightly. 18/02/99 - Some german magazine is offering $500 bucks if you can root thier server ( It is on NT4 SP4 and has a "Checkpoint-Firewall" in the way. There is a text file in the root directory called hacked.txt which contains the email address of the webmaster, of whom you should email to let them know of your glory and collect your booty. 17/02/99 - Are your fellow coworkers spies ? Well this article will tell who is "just a good worker" and who is the spy. Click here. 17/02/99 - This is a nice article about "how easy it is to become a hacker" using SYMANTECs product pcANYWHERE and what a product it is. You just click and click. But is that really hacking ? Click here to read the story and click here to go get a copy. 16/02/99 - Microsoft serves the "Windows Refund Day" group with lemonade under a banner that read "Microsoft Welcomes the Linux Community" but no refunds were given. More details here. 16/02/99 - I finished the section in networking on modems so you can all go and have a good of that ;) If you got any questions about anything, feel free to use my weboard to ask, don't be shy ;) 16/02/99 - Your free Email account is Vulnerable to "hackers" using brute force techniques. Well it is according to zdnet. Well ... I wouldn't of used the word "hacker". 16/02/99 - Small groups of computer users who would rather use Linux than Windows are demanding refunds for the built-in Micorosft software that they do not use. Windows Refund Day, a grass-roots group plan to converge at Microsoft Corp offices on Monday in the heope to get their way. More from yahoo. 16/02/99 - ImageLock of San Francisco have developed the technolgy to scan the internet for images, and plan to have a search engine up and running by the end of the month. Plans for use are to find people illegally using someone corporate logo or use of copyrighted work. Story here. 15/02/99 - Happy99.exe worm is spreading and spreading fast!! One person who was interviewed in this story says he recieves a copy of it aleast 20/30 times a day. The worm works by rewriting Winsock32.dll and then when ever the user intiates email or newsgroup activity it copies it self on to everything outgoing. Its pretty easy to solve, find a file called WSOCK32.SKA and rename that to winsock32.dll and delete the old file. There is a link to full instructions on how to clean on the site. Click here for more info. 15/02/99 - A 20 year old software developer has created a way to get around Internet Explorer 4.0 and 5.0's content filtering feature. More on the story here. 12/02/99 - The government of Quebec wants hackers to test the security of its information networks. A seperate laboratory will be set upusing a similar setup for the hackers to have a crack at. More here. 12/02/99 - A 15 year old freshman cracker has been arrested for breaking into the computers at Clemson University and attempting to break into NASA. More here. 11/02/99 - Microsoft's Windows operating systems will not properly recognize Intel's upcoming high-speed Pentium III processor, the companies have confirmed, although the upgrade glitch is not expected to cause any performance problems. More on the story here. 11/02/99 - A Stanford University computer science professor has created what is belive to be the worlds smallest web server. Yes, it can fit in your shirt pocket and is the size of a matchbox. The thing is, it can also run from your shirt pocket, read more here. 11/02/99 - Netscape gets to the bottom of the apparent browser bug that was thought to be the source of compromised cookie files, and finds that it isn't a browser bug after all. This story is quite intersting as are some of the links to related stories. Click here. 11/02/99 - I have got the chat room up and going, so why not pop in and say hello or something ;)
02/02/99 -
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