My Personal Constitutional Crisis- To Index

Winner of Sex Discrimination Lawsuit Judgment, 4.0 GPA Student and Charity Phone Solicitor (all same person)
Faces Homelessness (or worse)

Saturday, September 20, 2008 < late morning >
From: "Disraely Hapend" < my email a dress * >
To: Professor Larry (Laurence H.) Tribe < his Harvard Law School email a dress >
Cc: Anne C. Vladeck (See vladeck,dot calm), + myself

Hey Larry:

(Sent this a min. ago but forgot subject line. Hey and I can't answer phone while on web, and can't accept faxes because out of ink.)

I got online this morning and checked my stats- My Personal Constitutional Crisis, found 62 hits on 17th which was day I called in on air Rehm with Steve Robts and talked to you, I mentioned you told me stop email back in '99, actually was '98 as I hope you saw on the printout I faxed you about an hour later. And shortly after fax I phoned you 2 voicemails. And Fri afternoon another voicemail + talked to your assistant live + gave her my phone # again and suggested call Anne Vladeck.

Today I found a photo of Anne C. V. She could be the person I met several years ago and then realized might have met longer ago, but prolly not. She looks a little like me, actually, I think, but my home viewer is not good.

By this email I am sending you now- you know I am person who made My Pers. Const. Cris. website. But please do not email me because it is too much of a hassle for me, and you have my real info, and so does Anne. And email is less private than phoe, prolly. Maybe I should fax you my phone bill with my # and real name on it, because Googling my # gets my fictitious name for Caller-IDs.

I was gonna go to public web today and publish or upload new MyCurSit "Winner of Sex Discrim. Lawsuit, 4.0 GPA Student and Charity Solicitor (all same peron) Faces Homelessness (or worse)" but it's getting late and I haven't done any of my stupid work calls today, and I HAVEn't finished the MyCurSit. My rent court date is Mon. 1 pm, I don't get my paycheck until late Thurs afternoon, I may try borrow from my nice neighbor the $132 I need to pay by the 26th, IF I can get the $500 from Social Services which they might not give me unless I pay the $132 first, anyway the landlord HIBIC (Italian* bimbo) suggested I try Social Services but also stated in her sweet-brisk-relish voice that she could request eviction late on the 26th, and I'd rather be dead than homeless. But even if I make it to the end of this month, I ain't gonna be able to last to November, so I need my god [dab*] $40 K which I already told you BOTH about. [See my old impoint.html.]

The thing is, the Bill of Rights only ONE if I recall correctly, mentions rights of INDIVIDUAL- 5th "No person"- and maybe 14th? I don't have near me And they all use collective terms, so we really or rather I ain't got no rights anyway, so it IS a god [dad] fascist state already. Or maybe it's just me.

--"Disraely Hapend", Truerwoman, The National Outtern etc.


*I felt funny about referring to the OLD "out-of-state Italian landlord" in my previous MyCurSit until I learned that the first 3 of the NEW landlord local management staff are Italian. And the HIBIC actually printed, filed and delivered me a letter scolding me for comparing the new unfavorably to the old in a street conversation with a prospective tenant, and for informing the prospect of a specific consumer item in the lease. And a few more sweet-brisk devil-relish things I ain't got time today.

Faxed to Vladeck:

not to Larry (tricky, ain't I?): the following marker-on- paper note, with my phone bill, rent court summons, rent receipts, rent balance statement, pay stubs and Social Security Earnings Record (highest year $10,195, lowest $0)


9 - 20 - 08

Hey Larry - (Professor Laurence H. Tribe)

See it's called [Guess!]-TV and it used to be called [Guess agin]-TV, and there's no mouse, and if I work on a file it takes about 35 seconds to save it and work more [Actually I timed it today and it took about twice that], + sometimes stuff disappears, and there's no connection between it and my old regular computer.

And yeah I have [another email a dress]. The DH site doesn't say I don't have another one. So why don't you call all your cadre- buddies + tell _them_?

The point is, if I get evicted, they will come in here + take all my stuff including my computer + [Guess]tv + this piece of paper and my pencil logbooks and LD phone + fax records + everything else + set them out on the lawn or in the street + I will invite the neighbors to take them, or I might "leave" before that, but the neighbrs will still pick through, OR they might decide to seal my apartment until they can get somebody to come in + sort through + find out who it was I talked to last before I left. Ya know?

-- Guess Who


So anyway I faxed that about 5:30 pm, and about 7:30 pm I heard a light helicopter hovering over my building, and he shined his fizzing searchlight straight down directly in front and in back of my apartment, so some searchlight actually came in my windows, for about 3 or 4 minutes, and then he left. So I'm thinking well, scratch good ole Anne and Larry and this is the 4th fudging time somebody has sicced the pigs on me on suspicion of suicide (I even have a pertinent sign over my apt door lock now) but they dint come to the door this time, so I dared to call the precinct station and ax the officer if they were looking for somebody in my complex, and he asked did I have a name? and I told him about the chopper searchlight, and then he said they were looking for a lost kid and had found him, so I said "Well, good work, booeys" and hung up.

Oh and 8/25 I took the liberty of commenting on Mark Benjamin's Taking Liberties blog but I haven't heard from him, either.

*Some lower-case words in my story have been substituted so as to discourage spa murres, per-editors, and family-fascist filters.

"Disraely Hapend"

The National Outtern, The Poor Good Student, Truerwoman, America's Hottest Potato, The DisMissed Link, Jazz Radio's Deepest Palest Secret
(an Earth-born female middle-aged human woman).

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First World Wide Web publication of My Personal Constitutional Crisis story was in this site on December 9, 1998.
This latest version of this MyCurSit file: September 21, 2008.

© 2008.