My Personal Constitutional Crisis
Why Dis my real name?
Since I had the nerve to file and plead my own lawsuit to the federal court, you might wonder why I don't spell my real name correctly in here. It's because:
- I want all of you to read this whole thing in the "abstract" and understand the obscene horror of what "my" community and your country has done to me, and be concerned for your own rights too. (If Amerika has gotten away so far with what it has done to ME, to how many other private individuals, of lesser smarts but more abuse experience, has it done the same?-- prolly four- to five thousand or more.) But if I put my real name in here, judging by my past experience, many of you would say "Oh that's Disraely Hapend and it doesn't matter";
- I've already given the lazy/fake lawyers, professors, mental health experts, social activists, Congressionals, feminists, news media, prelate(s), environmentalists, book authors, publishers and deejays enough time to apologize, explain themselves, or at least answer me before I put their real names in here, but it's obvious they ain't gonna, and instead they'll prolly unjust try again to have my phone cut off or my library card or Web access or even my FM radio reception;
- Although I have an excellent memory, to be really fair when I put the "hard" stuff in here, I have to check back through more than 8 years of logging and filing every little but significant thing to ensure correct dates and event sequences and verbatim quotes, and frustration has affected my efficiency;
- The Defendants have already made excuses in federal court for their supposedly unconscionable (in THIS democracy) crime of repression against me, and might again try to use their bureaucratic power over my real name to prevent my TELLING more about it to the public;
- The Untidy States Gummint has shown a tendency in the past to get obsessed with parsecuting immaterial side issues; the previous administration's federal agents/agencies denied me vindication of my most basic bodily civil liberties; the current Justice Department, zealous curtailer of the personal autonomy of terrorist suspects and the terminally ill, might try to get me for my perjurious thought-crime, and there are a few other sticky issues;
- The Good Ol' Boys and Girls in the U.S. Congress, several of whom have declined to discuss my matter with me personally, might manage en masse to somehow connect my story with their patients' rights campaigns (except that I don't count because I've never had HMO coverage) and might order me to spill my story for free in a capitol forum. They might even offer to pay my travel expenses, and figure that then I couldn't refuse, but I doubt they'd buy me an appropriate set of clothes or replace my poverty-level wages (They'd prolly think I'd bring my own anthrax);
- The 2 female major-corporate-law-firm yugs whom the federal court appointed to "assist" me with my employment sex discrimination case, although they no longer "represent" me, might use the concept of their attorney-client privilege as they did before: to prevent any publicity or an actual trial in court;
- Some legal or psychiatric ethics commission might try to take up a lot of my time, or my logs and files, investigating them, or whether I had any sexual contact with the biggest C.D.S.H. in the m.h.r. field;
- I'm shielding the heroic workers at my several local post offices from the effects of any "donations" to me from any divine armies (I put on gloves and a mask to check my PO box last time, and one of the women behind the counter muttered to her coworker about whether someone was "acting suspiciously");
- Gov Pontius P. might start hittin' on me.
When I get enough really serious sympathetic visitors to this site, or when I damnwell feel it's safe, I'll put some realname/locational stuff in, and then ALL Amerikan abstract socio-political hell will break loose, maybe, again, more or less kinda.
My site main URL:
First World Wide Web publication of my story, formerly called "The Poor Good Student's Constitutional Crisis", was in this site (formerly on December 9, 1998.
Content of dis "Why DIS?" file was originally part of Index, removed for a while, modified and reinserted as a separate file on November 23, 2001, and minor corrections December 22, the Biggest Shopping Day Of The Year 2001.
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