My Personal Constitutional Crisis

Why Dis my real name?

Since I had the nerve to file and plead my own lawsuit to the federal court, you might wonder why I don't spell my real name correctly in here. It's because:

When I get enough really serious sympathetic visitors to this site, or when I damnwell feel it's safe, I'll put some realname/locational stuff in, and then ALL Amerikan abstract socio-political hell will break loose, maybe, again, more or less kinda.

Disraely Hapend

The National Outtern, The Poor Good Student, America's Most UnWanted, Truerwoman, America's Hottest Potato, The DisMissed Link,
(an Earth-born female adult human woman).

My Personal Constitutional Crisis
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My site main URL:
First World Wide Web publication of my story, formerly called "The Poor Good Student's Constitutional Crisis", was in this site (formerly on December 9, 1998.
Content of dis "Why DIS?" file was originally part of Index, removed for a while, modified and reinserted as a separate file on November 23, 2001, and minor corrections December 22, the Biggest Shopping Day Of The Year 2001.
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