Poor Good Student's Constitutional Crisis
The Emergency Petition (if there is one) for my psychiatric evaluation was probably not signed by a judge BEFORE I was taken to the hospital(s) as per Morldeth state law. I believe that failure to have the petition properly court-endorsed disqualifies all Defendants' claims of immunity.
At various times during my adult slave life, even long before my incarceration in the mental hospital, I have written and phone- and street-commented to news media about my slave issues and experiences.
15 months before I was incarcerated in the mental hospital, somebody at the office of a popular music program called police on me for mailing them a copy of an important document in their own euphemized town mailbox and for notifying them of same in a phone message at the same time of night as when their program aired.
2 weeks before my incarceration, I called in to a talk show and conversed briefly on the air with a nationally-known feminist author about the working environment and sexual fantasy. I mentioned that I was sueing my former employers, although I did not name them.
A local TV news female is materially involved as mentioned in my Complaint.
Because I realized the hideous importance of what was being done to me, I phoned a number of messages from inside the mental hospital onto the comment line of a national broadcast news agency. One of this news agency's personnel called mental hospital personnel ABOUT my messages, but didn't speak with ME. Some months after my incarceration, I voicemailed this news person and my call was returned by a lawyer for this news agency, to whom I proposed questions for the material witness and others. I have never received an answer.
In summer '93 I certified-mailed a bunch of info to a talk show host; the only confirmation I got was the green card mail receipt. Later her assistant said she had probably thrown my submission away. When I tried to get the host to facilitate communication between myself and Dr. Bdrown, who has several times been a guest on her show, she told me dourly "I can't help you."
2 media figures, including one regular national on-air legal commentator, were involved in the 2-23-95 incident (See at end of What It All Means.)
I started postal-mailing and phoning TV news magazines while my case v. the community college et al was still under consideration in court. Since '95 I have sent a buncha postcards to Rather, Brokaw, Lehrer, their corporate execs, general counsels, etc. I even wrote a soulful letter to Peter Jennings because I thought he cared about the oppressed, but I have learned the lesson that newspersons' objectivity forbids their caring about victims, Also some of his mannerisms, I have now noticed, are very much like those of my male immediate biological antecedent, the one that had my mother killed.
In early Spring and Summer of 1996 I certified-mailed and faxed 20/20, 60 Minutes and Dateline, and a few of those PBS shows that nobody watches. I still have the green card mail receipts and fax transmission confirmations. I got an encouraging call from a 20/20 associate and then a scolding phone message insisting it wasn't from her that I had gotten the idea they would pay me for my story. From Dateline I got an unsigned formula postcard acknowledgment. From CBS nuttin but Dan Rather's continuing smork and occasional odd fumbles in evening news lines.
I've had some great fun but not much else with the automatons at several Top Ten newspapers' 800 numbers. Their editorial staffs have condescended to humor me a little, too, and then I bet they chuckle NPR. Especially the stick-in-the-capitul-mud, and the one with the same name. I guess the main Bombarock paper guy has lost his perspective. I'm trying to check back whether it was the Catholic paper or Charities that told me never to call again.
I have left bunches of voicemail messages with my real name and real case number(s) on all local TV stations' news directors, general managers, Jeffie and even female anchors. One evening in February '97 I delivered to 3 local TV stations a cover letter and some documentation on the default judgment in my favor against the temp service and my appeal to the ### Circuit in which I contested the summary judgments granted in favor of the temp service's clients including Bombarock Gas & Electric Company. All 3 stations lost my material.
I have gotten on the air on radio talk shows and mentioned my controversy at least 5 times since my incarceration. In most of these successes I was still cut off a bit short. I even told the Governor off once, but the host immediately twisted and criminalized the topic. On other attempts I have been hung up on by pre-screeners.
So I guess the reason you haven't heard about me in the news is because I'm already in the news, and they don't want to let me out.
It was also said by mental hospital authorities that I had a "history of interpersonal conflict with authority figures". See also the labels quoted in my Complaint.
In December 1996 the Court entered a judgment in my employment/sex discrimination case "in favor of Plaintiff [me] against Defendant [temp service] 40,000 inclusive of all costs and attorneys' fees." My court-appointed lawyers gave me two-thirds of the 4,000 sanctions dollars they won, but would not help me collect anything on the 40,000 (which might have meant 40K farts, however.) I got an accident/domestic-type lawyer to try to collect, but he wanted me to pay him $150 to pursue the temp service respondent who had gone south and had probably committed perjury himself by denying that his company had folded and unfolded several times under different names, which I discovered on my own, and all my lawyers ignored. Now, "Plaintiff remains desperately indigent, due in part to abandonment and poor treatment by above-mentioned attorneys and others."
Technically I guess I have until February 2000 to get criminal charges filed.
Some of the legal-aid orgs I tried for help with my civil lawsuit suggested I call the state Attorney General's office, but, as I explained to them, the Assistant Attorney General for the State of Morldeth was my OPPONENT in my civil suit-- he represented the state mental hospital. I have inquired briefly with the Morldeth State's Attorney's office, but I trust the state's attorney about as far as I can throw her husband or her father.
In June '95 I tried to start an inquiry by phone with the Bombarock County Police Internal Affairs office, but was put off by a very ignorant sergeant who said "No need for an investigation-- the police do that all the time," and wouldn't let me talk to the Chief. Shortly thereafter another sergeant phoned me and explained to me what had happened to me in February '93; however he omitted a few important details. He had the nerve to ask me if I was taping the call, "because that would be illegal." This November and December '99 I have left 3 phone messages on the IA unit that they'd better start their investigation, because I'm writing it up.
A division of a federal department which has become famous for assisting African-Americans whose rights have been heinously violated, has told me that "The matter you related is not covered by a federal civil rights statute which we have the responsibility of enforcing." This October '99 I phoned the local FBI office and spoke with a female who said stop givin her this dubyadubyadubya stuff and ask the police. Then I spoke with a male agent who listened a little better and asked could I fax it to them? Later I spoke with another female who said there was no such guy as the previous but I could send it in or come in in person any time. But it'll take 3 buses and hours to get there and they'll prolly tell me I have to try the State prosecutors first anyway, and look what their attitude was towards the abused at Waco. And they might not let me have this website during the investigation.
If the Feds try to get ME for any of my working poor minor rare dishonesties, then at least I'll KNOW the CIA WAS involved in my mother's death!
Disraely Hapend, an Earth-born female adult human woman.
My Site Contents
My site main URL shortcut: www.geocities.com/disraelyhapend
Same site address longcut: www.geocities.com/CollegePark/Center/7063/
First World Wide Web publication of my story, in this site, December 9, 1998.
This "Important Facts and Circumstances" file first published December 30, 1999; this file visited
© 1999.